

In Norse mythology, Þrúðheimr (anglicized Thrúdheim or Thrudheim), which means "World of strength" in Old Norse, is the home of Thor according to the Eddic poem "Grímnismál" (4). But in Snorri Sturluson's "Edda" ("Gylfaginning", 21, 47; "Skáldskaparmál", 17) and "Ynglinga saga" (5), the name of Thor's residence is Þrúðvangr or Þrúðvangar. Þrúðheimr is nevertheless mentioned in Snorri's "Edda", but in its prologue [Þrúðheimr is actually also mentioned in [http://www.hi.is/~eybjorn/gg/gg4par23.html one manuscript] ("Codex Upsaliensis") of "Gylfaginning" (22), where it is the name of the residence of the giants Þjazi and Skaði, but the three other main manuscripts, along with "Grímnismál" (11), have Þrymheimr.] . In this euhemerized story, it is written that Tror, "whom we call Thor", conquered the kingdom of Thrace, "which we call Þrúðheimr".


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