- Bordetella pertussis
color = lightgrey
name = "Bordetella pertussis"
image_width = 240px
image_caption =
regnum = Bacteria
phylum =Proteobacteria
classis =Beta Proteobacteria
ordo =Burkholderiales
familia =Alcaligenaceae
genus = "Bordetella "
species = "B. pertussis"
binomial = "Bordetella pertussis"
binomial_authority = (Bergey "et al." 1923)
Moreno-López 1952"Bordetella pertussis" is a
Gram-negative ,aerobic coccobacillus of the genus "Bordetella ", and the causative agent ofpertussis or whooping cough. Unlike "B. bronchiseptica", "B. pertussis" is non-motile .There does not appear to be a
zoonotic reservoir for "B. pertussis"—humans are its only host.The bacterium is spread by coughing and by nasal drops. The incubation period is 7-14 days.
Pertussis (orWhooping Cough ), is an infection of the respiratory system and characterized by a “whooping” sound when the person breathes in. In the US it killed 5,000 to 10,000 people per year before a vaccine was available.Vaccination has transformed this and between 1985-88 fewer than 100 children died from pertussis. Worldwide in 2000, according to the WHO, around 39 million people were infected annually and about 297,000 died. A graph is available showing the dramatic effect of introducing [http://www.hpa.org.uk/infections/topics_az/whoopingcough/gen_info.htm vaccination in England] .The infection occurs most with children under the age of one when they are immunized or children with faded
immunity , normally around the age 11 through 18. The signs and symptoms are similar to acommon cold : runny nose,sneezing , mildcough , and low-gradefever . After a spell, they might make a “whooping” sound when breathing in or vomit. Adults have milder symptoms, like prolonged coughing without the “whoop.” The patient becomes most contagious during thecatarrhal stage of infection, normally 2 weeks after the coughing begins. It may become airborne when the person coughs, sneezes, or laughs.Pertussis vaccine is part of the DTaP (diphtheria ,tetanus , acellularpertussis )immunization . Theparoxysmal cough precedes a crowing inspiratory sound characteristic ofpertussis . (Infants less than 6 months may not have the typical whoop.) A coughing spell may last a minute or more, producingcyanosis ,apnoea andseizures . A prolonged cough may be irritating and sometimes a disabling cough may go undiagnosed in adults for many months."Bordetella pertussis" also produces a lymphocytosis-promoting factor, which causes a decrease in the entry of lymphocytes into lymph nodes. This can lead to a condition known as lymphocytosis, with a complete
lymphocyte count over of 4000/μL in adults or over 8000/μL in children.Diagnosis
A nasopharyngeal swab is sent to the
bacteriology laboratory forGram stain (Gram negative, coccobacilli, no arrangement), growth onBordet-Gengou agar orBCYE plate with addedcephalosporin to select for the organism, which shows mercury-drop colonies.The organism is
oxidase positive, buturease ,nitrase , andcitrate negative. It is also non-motile.References
External links
* [http://www.who.int/immunization/topics/pertussis/en/index1.html Pertussis] Information from the World Health Organisation
* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?rid=mmed.chapter.1684 "Bordetella" chapter] in Baron's "Medical Microbiology" (online text at the NCBI bookshelf).
* [http://www.arupconsult.com/Topics/Infectious_Disease/Bacteria/Bordetella_pertussis.html "Bordetella pertussis"] in ARUP Consult — The Physician's Guide to Laboratory Test Selection and Interpretation
* [http://www.hpa.org.uk/infections/topics_az/whoopingcough/gen_info.htm Pertussis] United Kingdom Health Protection Agency.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.