

Anarres is one of two planets of Tau Ceti, in the 'Ekumen' science fiction novels of Ursula K. Le Guin. It is a double planet settled from Urras, the original world of the Cetians.

The story of Anarres and its settlement by Odonians is told in "The Dispossessed". Cetians appear or are mentioned in various other tales, mostly without specifying which world they come from. But in "The Shobies Story", the Cetian Gveter is an Anarresti. 'Churten theory' was developed on his world, which evidently keeps its Odonian views on cooperation and objects to 'propetarian habits'.

Odonianism was invented by a woman called Laia Odo, who lived in the state of A-IO on the planet of Urras. Part of her tale is told in the short story "The Day Before the Revolution" in the collection "The Wind's Twelve Quarters"

External links

* [ Exerpt from "The Day Before the Revolution"]
* [ Study Guide for Ursula LeGuin: "The Dispossessed"]

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