19 mm tape

19 mm tape

19 mm tape, or more commonly known as 3/4" tape, is a magnetic recording tape used in the D2 professional video format.

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  • Tape (disambiguation) — Tape refers to a strip of long, thin and narrow matter, usually rolled up. Most commonly, it refers to:Recording media* Magnetic tape * Digital Audio Tape (or DAT ) * Digital Compact Cassette (or DCC ) * Digital video tape * Compact Cassette (a.k …   Wikipedia

  • Tape — refers to a strip of long, thin and narrow matter, usually rolled up. Most commonly, it refers to:Recording media* Magnetic tape * Digital Audio Tape (or DAT ) * Digital Compact Cassette (or DCC ) * Digital video tape * Cassette Tape, a magnetic… …   Wikipedia

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  • Tape baking — is a process that is used to restore magnetic tapes: audio cassettes and video tapes. It cannot be used with acetate tapes. [cite web| last =Cilleti| first =Eddie| title =If I Knew You Were Coming I d Have Baked A Tape!| url =http://www.tangible… …   Wikipedia

  • tape-à-l'œil — [ tapalɶj ] adj. inv. et n. m. inv. • 1904; « celui qui a une tache sur l œil » 1867; de 2. taper et œil ♦ Qui attire l attention par des couleurs voyantes, un luxe tapageur. Une décoration un peu tape à l œil. Des bijoux tape à l œil. ♢ N. m.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Tape loop — Tape loops are loops of prerecorded magnetic tape used to create repetitive, rhythmic musical patterns or dense layers of sound. Contemporary composers such as Steve Reich and Karlheinz Stockhausen used tape loops to create phase patterns and… …   Wikipedia

  • Tape bias — is the term for two phenomena, DC bias and AC bias, that improve the fidelity of analogue magnetic tape sound recordings. DC bias is the addition of a direct current to the audio signal that is being recorded. AC bias is the addition of an… …   Wikipedia

  • Tape Library — (Außenansicht) Tape Library (Innenansicht) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tapé — tapé, ée (ta pé, pée) part. passé de taper. 1°   Qui a reçu une tape. L enfant tapé par son camarade. 2°   Il se dit de certains fruits aplatis et séchés au four. Poires tapées.    Fig. •   Je deviens plus que jamais pomme tapée ; ne comptez… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • tape-record — tape records, tape recording, tape recorded also tape record VERB If you tape record speech, music, or another kind of sound, you record it on tape, using a tape recorder or a tape deck. [V n] ...a factory worker who allegedly tape recorded two… …   English dictionary

  • tape à l'œil — ⇒TAPE( )À( )L ŒIL, (TAPE À LŒIL, TAPE À LŒIL)subst. masc. et adj. inv. I. Subst. masc., péj. Ce qui est destiné à faire beaucoup d effet, à éblouir, tout en étant de peu de valeur. Plus de délicatesse... Ni d estime pour les choses du fin travail …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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