- Pedro Gómez Labrador, Marquis of Labrador
Don Pedro Gómez Labrador, Marquis of Labrador (1755—1852) was a Spanish diplomat and nobleman who served as Spain's representative at the
Congress of Vienna (1814-1815). Labrador did not successfully advance his country's diplomatic goals at the conference. These goals included restoring to the thrones of Spain's old Italian possessions the Bourbons who had been deposed byNapoleon and reestablishing control over its South American colonies, which had risen in revolt during the Napoleonic invasion of Spain.The Marquis of Labrador is almost universally condemned by historians for his incompetence at the Congress. One standard Spanish history textbook condemns him for "...his mediocrity, his haughty character, and his total subordination to the whims of the king's inner circle, by which he achieved nothing favorable."ref|navarro Paul Johnson calls him "a caricature Spaniard who specialized in frantic rages, haughty silences and maladroit demarches."ref|johnson
Labrador was born in
Valencia de Alcántara , and studied at the traditionally conservativeUniversity of Salamanca . He received a bachelor's degree in law at the age of twenty-seven and an advanced degree four years later, and was named a judge on theAudiencia ofSeville in 1793. In August 1798, Labrador was sent aschargé d'affaires inFlorence byCharles IV of Spain to accompanyPius VI (r.1775-1799) in exile, when this pontiff was forced to become a prisoner of the French, following his refusal to surrender his temporal sovereignty to the French armies commanded by GeneralLouis Alexandre Berthier .At the death of Pius VI, Labrador was named Minister Plenipotentiary to the
Papal States , and later served atFlorence , capital of the Etrurian kingdom.The liberal deputies of the national assembly based in
Cádiz (1810-1813) took him to be one of their own, and gave him the vital post of Minister of State, a decision they would quickly regret: " [Labrador was] dim, prolix, of pride and arrogance that trod the limits of fatuity, and of peculiar pedantry."ref|villa-urrutia But he was no liberal. He assisted Ferdinand VII in abolishing the liberalconstitution , and was awarded with the duty of representing Spain at the peace conferences of Paris and Vienna, with the full rank and title ofAmbassador .At the Congress, the Marquis of Labrador was outmaneuvered by experienced diplomats such as
Talleyrand andMetternich .Labrador's entreaties on behalf of the
devolution of the former Spanish possession ofLouisiana from theUnited States were roundly ignored. The Austrians blocked plans that would have made Spain a special ally of theHoly See ; the British likewise rejected Spain's territorial claims againstPortugal . The British particularly were exasperated with their Spanish ally and her representative. "It is somewhat singular in itself," Castlereagh would write, "that the only two Courts with which we find it difficult to do business are those of the Peninsula."ref|nicolson In his opinion of Labrador, the Duke of Wellington, Castlereagh's replacement at Vienna and an experienced judge of truculent hidalgos, was more direct: "The most stupid man I ever came across."ref|johnson2 Labrador was a man, according to the Spanish Minister of StateJosé García de León y Pizarro (who never minces words when it comes to people he does not like), "...of little amiability [and of] few or no dinners or gatherings."ref|atard And in this apogee of drawing-room diplomacy, this was fatal.Labrador could in fact rely neither on his choleric personality to repair any relations, personal or diplomatic, nor on a salary that his cash-strapped government never paid him, to arrange any social gatherings at his residence on the Minoritten Platz, the Palffy Palace. "He did not even figure," his biographer assures us, "as a protagonist in any of the many amorous adventures [that occurred during the Congress] "ref|villa-urrutia2; the most exciting social event Labrador seems to have attended was a
wax figure s production in theChristmastide of 1814.Spain did not sign the Final Act of the Congress of
June 9 ,1815 , for Labrador’s proposal to attach reservations to the act concerning the rights of the Italian Bourbons was soundly disregarded. Labrador registered a protest against several of the Congress resolutions, including that concerning the restitution ofOlivenza .With only picayune Lucca to show for her efforts, and represented by a man overwhelmed with his charge ("I must have the face of a favorite aunt [for] everyone is coming to me with their troubles"ref|rodríguez-moñino), Spain’s status as a second-rate power was confirmed. Spain finally accepted the treaty on
May 7 ,1817 .Labrador’s long life ended tragically: he would eventually lose his position in the diplomatic service, his wife, his sight, his judgment, and his fortune.
# Ernesto Jimenez Navarro, "La Historia de España" (Madrid: Compañia Bibliografica Española, S.A., 1946), 506.
# Paul Johnson, "The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815-1830" (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991), 99.
# Wenceslao Ramírez de Villa-Urrutia, Marqués de Villa-Urrutia, "España en el Congreso de Viena según la correspondencia de D. Pedro Gómez Labrador, Marqués de Labrador". Segunda Edición Corregida y Aumentada (Madrid: Francisco Beltrán, 1928), 28.
#Harold Nicolson , "The Congress of Vienna: A Study in Allied Unity 1812-1822" (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1946), 208-9.
# Johnson, "Birth of the Modern", 99.
# Vicente Palacio Atard, "Manual de Historia de España, vol. 4. Edad Contemporánea I: 1808-1898" (Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1978), 106.
# Villa-Urrutia, "España en el Congreso de Viena", 124. His biographer is also of the opinion that Labrador was jealous of Talleyrand and Metternich for their well-known aptitude for womanizing.
# Antonio Rodríguez-Moñino (ed.), "Cartas Políticas" (Badajoz: Imprenta Provincial, 1959), 31 (Letter XIII, September 23, 1814).ources
*Alsop, Susan Mary. "The Congress Dances". New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1984.
*Atard, Vicente Palacio. "Manual de Historia de España, vol. 4. Edad Contemporánea I: 1808-1898". Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1978.
*Bergamini, John D. "The Spanish Bourbons. The History of a Tenacious Dynasty". New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1974.
*Bernard, J.F. "Talleyrand: A Biography". New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1973.
*Carr, Raymond. "Spain 1808-1939". London: Oxford University Press, 1966.
*Cortada, James W. (editor). "Spain in the Nineteenth-Century World. Essays on Spanish Diplomacy, 1789-1898". Westport: Greenwood Press, 1994.
*de Espronceda, José. "Poesías Líricas y Fragmentos Épicos". Edición, introducción y notas de Robert Marrast. Madrid: Clásicos Castalia, 1970.
*de Lara, Manuel Tuñón. "La España del Siglo XIX- 1808-1914". París: Club del Libro Español, 1961.
*de Villa-Urrutia, Wenceslao Ramírez, Marqués de Villa-Urrutia. "España en el Congreso de Viena según la correspondencia de D. Pedro Gómez Labrador, Marqués de Labrador". Segunda Edición Corregida y Aumentada. Madrid: Francisco Beltrán, 1928.
*Freksa, Frederick (compiler). "A Peace Conference of Intrigue: A Vivid, Intimate Account of the Congress of Vienna Composed of the Personal Memoirs of its Important Participants." Translated and With an Introduction and Notes by Harry Hansen. New York: The Century Co., 1919.
*Gaya Nuño, Juan Antonio. "Historia del Museo del Prado (1819-1969)". León: Editorial Everest, 1969.
*Herold, J. Christopher. "The Age of Napoleo"n. New York: American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc., 1963.
*Jimenez Navarro, Ernesto. "La Historia de España". Madrid: Compañia Bibliografica Española, S.A., 1946.
*Johnson, Paul. "The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815-1830". New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991.
*Lockhart, J.G. "The Peacemakers 1814-1815". London: Duckworth, 1932.
*Lovett, Gabriel H. "Napoleon and the Birth of Modern Spain. The Challenge to the Old Order". Two Volumes. New York: New York University Press, 1965.
*Marin Correa, Manuel (editor). "Historia de España. Ultimos Austrias y primeros Borbones. De Carlos IV a Isabel II". Barcelona: Editorial Marin, S.A., 1975.
*Muir, Rory. "Britain and the Defeat of Napoleon 1807-1815". New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1996.
*Nicolson, Harold. "The Congress of Vienna: A Study in Allied Unity 1812-1822". New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1946.
*Regla, Juan (editor). "Historia de España Ilustrada". Barcelona: Editorial Ramon Sopena, S.A., 1978.
*Rodríguez-Moñino, Antonio (editor). "Cartas Políticas del Marqués de Labrador", París-Viena, 1814. Badajoz: Imprenta Provincial, 1959.
*Spiel, Hilde (editor). "The Congress of Vienna: An Eyewitness Account". Translated from the German by Richard H. Weber. New York: Chilton Book Company, 1968.
*Webster, Sir Charles. "The Congress of Vienna 1814-1815". London: Thames and Hudson, 1969.
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