Comparison of instant messaging clients — The following tables compare general and technical information for a number of instant messaging clients. Please see the individual products articles for further information. This article is not all inclusive or necessarily up to date. External… … Wikipedia
Goofy — For the UNIX messaging program, see Goofey. Goofy First appearance Mickey s Revue (1932) Created by Art Babbitt … Wikipedia
Wonky techno — is a style of techno music that is based around breaking from a formulaic 4 4 beat structure and experimenting with new sounds and rhythms. The sound is often distorted, stuttering, broken and warped, with a lot of influence from breakbeat,… … Wikipedia
Comparación de mensajería instantánea — Anexo:Comparación de mensajería instantánea Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Las siguientes tablas comparan información general y técnica para un número de clientes de mensajería instantánea. Consulte los artículos de los productos individuales para … Wikipedia Español
Сравнение мессенджеров — Следующие таблицы предназначены для сравнения основной и технической информации некоторых из программ, мессенджеров (клиентов сетей мгновенных сообщений). Для детальной информации по каждой программе смотрите соответствующую статью. Содержание 1… … Википедия
mail (Unix) — mail is a command line email client for Unix and Unix like operating systems. Example usage mail s You ve got mail c This sends a message with the subject You ve got mail to two… … Wikipedia
talk (software) — talk was a program originally used for live text communication between different users of a single multi user computer running the Unix operating system. In 1983, a new version of talk was introduced as a Unix command with BSD v4.2, and would… … Wikipedia