Transparency (telecommunication)

Transparency (telecommunication)

In telecommunications, "transparency" can refer to:
#The property of an entity that allows another entity to pass thorough it without altering either of the entities.
#The property that allows a transmission system or channel to accept, at its input, unmodified user information, and deliver corresponding user information at its output, unchanged in form or information content. The user information may be changed internally within the transmission system, but it is restored to its original form prior to the output without the involvement of the user.
#The quality of a data communications system or device that uses a bit-oriented link protocol that does not depend on the bit sequence structure used by the data source.

Source: from Federal Standard 1037C and from MIL-STD-188 and from the Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms

See also

* In-band signaling
* out-of-band communication

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