- Reception (astrology)
astrology , reception is a condition where one planet is located in a sign where a second planet has astrological dignity--for example, a sign which the second planet rules or in which it is exalted, or where the second planet is thetriplicity ruler.In such a case, the first planet is said to be "received" by the dignified planet, and this relationship was seen by ancient and medieval astrologers to function in a similar way to that of host and guest. The dignified planet is strong, and hence provides support and assistance to the second planet which falls within its purview.
Sometimes this relationship is mutual--that is, each planet is in each other's sign of dignity. This condition is called
mutual reception or "exchange of signs" and can be very beneficial to both planets.It should be noted that traditional astrologers only consider planets in reception if the planets are aspecting each other by conjunction, trine, square, sextile, or opposition From one another's essential dignities. Reception is often confused with disposition or generosity, which is only a planet being positioned in the essential dignity of another planet. For instance Venus in Aries, Venus is only disposited by Mars, sort of being in Mars' home when Mars is not actually there. Now, if Venus were in Aries and receiving an aspect from Mars, then that would be reception. Reception is basically like an acknowledgement.
Further reading
*Masha'allah, "On Reception", trans. Rob Hand, ARHAT (Archive for the Retrieval of Historical Astrological Texts) Publications, 1998. [http://www.robhand.com/availpub.htm]
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