- Altrose
Chembox new
Name = Altrose
ImageFile = Altrose.png
ImageName = Altrose
IUPACName = 6-(hydroxymethyl)oxane-
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASOther = D:1990-29-0
PubChem = 441032
SMILES = C( [C@@H] 1 [C@H] ( [C@H] ( [C@@H] (C(O1)O)O)O)O)O
Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = C6H12O6
MolarMass = 180.16 g/mol
MeltingPt = 103-105 °CAltrose is an
aldohexose sugar. The D isomer is an unnaturalmonosaccharide . It is soluble in water and practically insoluble inmethanol . L-altrose has been isolated from strains of the bacterium Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens. [Ref patent
country=US |number=4966845 |title=Microbial production of L-altrose |invent1=Stack; Robert J. |status= patent |gdate=1990-10-30
assign1=Government of the United States of America, Secretary of Agriculture
class= ]Altrose is a C-3
epimer ofmannose .References
*"Merck Index", 11th Edition, 319.External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Altrose — Général Nom IUPAC 6 (hydroxymethyl)oxane 2,3,4,5 tétrol No CAS … Wikipédia en Français
Altrose — Strukturformel Fischer Projektion, offenkettige Darstellung Allgemeines Name … Deutsch Wikipedia
altrose — altrozė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Aldoheksozė. formulė C₆H₁₂O₆ atitikmenys: angl. altrose rus. альтроза … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
altrose — noun An aldohexose epimeric with mannose … Wiktionary
altrose — An aldohexose isomeric with glucose, tallose, allose, etc. d A. is epimeric with d mannose. * * * al·trose al .trōs, .trōz n a synthetic syrupy sugar C6H12O6 stereoisomeric with glucose and epimeric with allose * * * al·trose (alґtrōs) an… … Medical dictionary
Altrose — Al|t|ro|se [lat. altrovorsum = nach der anderen Seite; ↑ ose (1)], die; ; Symbol: Alt; Syn.: altro Hexose: ein seltener, mit Glucose isomerer Zucker (↑ Aldose) … Universal-Lexikon
altrose — al·trose … English syllables
altrose — ˈal.ˌtrōs, ōz noun ( s) Etymology: altr (from Latin alter other) + ose more at alter : a sugar C6H12O6 obtained synthetically as a syrup that is stereoisomeric with glucose and epimeric with allose … Useful english dictionary
1949-88-8 — Altrose Altrose Général Nom IUPAC 6 (hydroxymethyl)oxane 2,3,4,5 tétrol No CAS … Wikipédia en Français
1990-29-0 — Altrose Altrose Général Nom IUPAC 6 (hydroxymethyl)oxane 2,3,4,5 tétrol No CAS … Wikipédia en Français