- Tunnel vision
:"This article refers to the medical condition. For the novel see
Tunnel Vision ; for the film seeTunnel Vision (film) ; for the mural "Tunnelvision" seeBlue Sky (artist) "In medical terms, tunnel vision is the loss of
peripheral vision with retention of central vision, resulting in a constricted circular tunnel-like field of vision. [ [http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=24514 Medical terms] ]Tunnel vision can be caused by:
* Blood Loss
* Alcohol consumption causes tunnel vision [ [http://www.cs.wright.edu/bie/rehabengr/vision/visionalcohol.htm Effects of Alcohol on Vision] ] . In addition, the vision becomes blurred or double since eye muscles lose their precision causing them to be unable to focus on the same object.
*Retinitis pigmentosa , a disease of the eye.
*Group B Rally driving (1985, 1986) [ [http://www.sligoweekender.ie/news/story/?trs=qlkfkfsn Sligo Weekender] a b c d Cullen, John. Petrolheads: Too fast to stay. Sligo Weekender. Retrieved on 2006-11-17.]
* Sustained (1 second or more) high accelerations [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20051123000128/http://www.vnh.org/FSManual/02/02SustainedAcceleration.html Web Archive: Virtual Naval Hospital] ] . Typically, flying an airplane with a centripetal acceleration of up to or over 39 m/s2 (4gs) with the head towards the center of curvature, common in aerobatic or fighter pilots. In these cases tunnel vision and brownout may proceed to or "g"-force induced Loss Of Consciousness ("g"-LOC).
* Hallucinogenic drugs, in particular the Dissociatives.
*Glaucoma , a disease of the eye.
* Extreme fear or distress, most often in the context of apanic attack .
* During an intense physical fight.
*Altitude sickness , hypoxia in passenger aircraft [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20061005203309/http://www.house.gov/transportation/aviation/06-05-03/friend.html Web Archive: Aircraft air quality] ]
* Exposure to oxygen at a partial pressure above 1.5-2 atmospheres, producing central nervous system oxygen toxicity, notably while diving. [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20051122223954/http://www.vnh.org/FSManual/01/10OxygenToxic.html Web Archive: Virtual Naval Hospital, Oxygen Toxity] ] Other symptoms can include dizziness, nausea, blindness, fatigue, anxiety, confusion and lack of coordination.
* Other loss of blood to the brain.
* Prolonged exposure to air contaminated with heatedhydraulic fluids and oils, as can sometimes happen in passenger aircraft [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20061005203309/http://www.house.gov/transportation/aviation/06-05-03/friend.html Web Archive: Aircraf air quality] ] .
*Pituitary stalk mass (i.e. tumor) compressing theoptic chiasm
* Severecataract s, causing a removal of most of the field of vision
* During the aura phase of a migraine
* Intense anger, due to the body being rapidly flooded with adrenaline and oxygen
* A bite from a Black Mamba and other snakes with the same strength venom.When combined with piloting an aircraft, driving, crossing roads or operating heavy machinery, the consequences can be fatal.
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