- Texas Mescalbean
name = Texas Mescalbean
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Calia secundiflora" flowers and leaves
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo =Fabales
familia =Fabaceae
subfamilia =Faboideae
tribus =Sophoreae
genus = "Calia "
species = "C. secundiflora"
binomial = "Calia secundiflora"
binomial_authority = (Ortega) Yakovlev
synonyms ="Sophora secundiflora"Texas Mescalbean ("Calia secundiflora", formerly "
Sophora secundiflora"), also known as the Frijolito or, confusingly, as TexasMountain Laurel , is a slow-growing, commonshrub or smalltree native to thesouthwestern United States (Texas ,New Mexico ) andMexico (Chihuahua andCoahuila south to Hidalgo,Puebla andQueretaro ), well-adapted to its arid to semiarid environment.An
evergreen , its leaves are pinnately-compound, with small, roughly spatulate leaflets; the leaflets are rather thick, and waxy to the touch. [http://ag.arizona.edu/pima/gardening/aridplants/Sophora_secundiflora.html] Never tall, and rarely having a straight trunk, its bark is smooth in all but the oldest specimens. [http://ag.arizona.edu/pima/gardening/aridplants/Sophora_secundiflora.html]Uses
A popular
ornamental plant , it is well known for its highly fragrant, purple flowers (the smell is sometimes compared toKool-Aid ) and very hard, bright red seeds. The reddishwood it produces is potentially useful, but as yet has little commercial value.This is an often-misunderstood plant, frequently confused with the
mezcal plant used intequila manufacture, as well as withmescaline , due to its name of "mescalbean". Further adding to this is the fact that the beans were in fact once used by some native American tribes as ahallucinogen , before being supplanted bypeyote . This plant does not contain any mescaline, however; all parts of it are highly poisonous, due to the principlealkaloid cytisine , which is chemically related tonicotine .References and links
* [http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?430160 Germplasm Resources Information Network: "Calia secundiflora"]
* [http://ag.arizona.edu/pima/gardening/aridplants/Sophora_secundiflora.html University of Arizona information on "S. secundiflora" (Accessed 2/26/06)]
* [http://www.erowid.org/plants/mescal/mescal.shtml Erowid mescal vault (Accessed 2/26/06)]
* [http://www.sbs.utexas.edu/mbierner/bio406d/images/pics/fab/sophora_secundiflora.htm "S. secundiflora" images]
* [http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=SOSE3 NRCS: USDA Plants Profile "Calia secundiflora"]
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