Kristy Sargeant

Kristy Sargeant

Kristy Sargeant-Wirtz (born on January 24, 1974) is a Canadian figure skater. She competed in pairs with Kris Wirtz in the Winter Olympics twice. She previously partnered with Colin Epp.

Her first daughter, Triston, was born in 1992. Triston's father is Jason Turner (former partner of Jamie Sale). Kristy and Wirtz were married in 1999 and their daughter Briana was born in May 2002.

Her sister, Lisa Sargeant, was the 1990 Canadian ladies champion.

She and her husband Kris Wirtz now work as coaches with the Kitchener-Waterloo Skating Club [] , based in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Competitive highlights

(with Wirtz)

*Olympics - 10th
*World Championships - 11th
*World Championships - 7th
*World Championships - 6th
*Olympics - 12th
*World Championships - 7th
*Four Continents Championships - 2nd
*World Championships - 6th
*Four Continents Championships - 4th
*World Championships - 10th
*Four Continents Championships - 7th
*World Championships - 8th


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