TMC may stand for:
*Tamil Maanila Congress (a political party in Tamil Nadu)
*A shortened form of WTMC, an abbreviation of Washtenaw Technical Middle College
*Télé Monte Carlo (part of Pathé)
*Tennis Masters Cup
*Texas Medical Center (Medical institutions)
*"", a Game Boy Advance entry in Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda series.
*The Marketing Center
*The Movie Channel (cable television network)
*The Multiple Choice - an international trailer axle brand under the Trumas group
*Thinking Machines Corporation, a now-defunct supercomputer company
*thousand million cubic feet ("TMC feet" also used)
*thousand million cubic metres (e.g. in irrigation)
*Thurgood Marshall College, a college within UC San Diego
* Timaru Mongrel Club, Timaru, South Canterbury, New Zealand
* Total Music Communication - a Japanese Music Collaboration between Rip Slyme, Dragon Ash and others.
*Toyota Motor Corporation (Automobile manufacturing)
*Traffic Message Channela technology for delivering traffic and travel information to drivers
*Transportation Manufacturing Corporation - a former bus manufacturer.
*Transportation Materiel Command, a unit of the United States Army until 1962
*Trece Martires City, a city in Cavite, Philippines
* Turtle Mountain Café at the University of Minnesota Morris.
*Technology Marketing Corporation (Communications and Tecnology Community)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Tmc — bezeichnet TMC Monte Carlo, ein französischsprachiger Fernsehsender Traffic Message Channel, ein digitaler Radio Datendienst …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • TMC — TMC: Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC)  производитель автомобилей Traffic Message Channel (TMC)  технология передачи автодорожной информации Tennis Masters Cup  Кубок Мастерс, ежегодный теннисный турнир среди мужчин …   Википедия

  • Tmc ft. — tmc ft. is an abbreviation for one thousand million (109) cubic feet. This is a unit of measure which is often used to report volumes of water. Conversions 1 tmc ft. is equivalent to:* 28,316,846,592 liters * 2.83168466 times;107 cubic metres *… …   Wikipedia

  • TMC — bezeichnet: Thinking Machines Corp., Computerfirma und Hersteller der Connection Machine Baureihe TMC Monte Carlo, ein französischsprachiger Fernsehsender Traffic Message Channel, ein digitaler Radio Datendienst Diese Seite …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • TMC — o Traffic Message Channel es una parte escondida dentro de la señal de un canal de radio. Es inaudible, pero proporciona al conductor de un vehículo los datos necesarios para que su sistema GPS le ayude a tomar una alternativa para evitar… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • TMC — TMC,   RDS …   Universal-Lexikon

  • TMC — sigla Tele Monte Carlo, canale televisivo …   Dizionario italiano

  • TMC — Para el canal homónimo de radio de Montecarlo, véase TMC (Montecarlo). TMC (Traffic Message Channel o Canal de Mensajes de Tráfico), es un canal digital de información sobre el estado del tráfico que se emite codificado dentro de la señal de un… …   Wikipedia Español

  • TMC — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.   Sigles d’une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres   Sigles de quatre lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • TMC ft —    an abbreviation for thousand million cubic feet, commonly used in water management in India. One TMC ft is equivalent to about 28.317 million cubic meters or 22 956.8 acre feet. One TMC ft/day is about 11 574 cubic feet per second or 327.74… …   Dictionary of units of measurement

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