List of tractor manufacturers

List of tractor manufacturers

The following companies and organisations currently manufacture tractors.

:"Also see: List of "former" tractor manufacturers":"Also see: List of traction engine and steam tractor manufacturers":"Also see: List of tractors built by other companies"

compactTOC - External links


* Abati - (Argentina) []
* ACO 2000 - (South Africa)
* Aebi - (Switzerland) []
* AGCO Corporation - (USA) []
** AGCO - (USA) []
** AGCO Allis - (Argentina, formerly USA) []
** Challenger - (USA) [] []
** Fendt - (Germany) []
** Massey Ferguson - (USA) []
** Valtra - (Finland) []
* Agrale - (Brazil) []
* Agria - (Spain) []
* Agrinar - (Argentina) []
* Agritech - (Brazil) []
** Yanmar Agritech
* Agro Tractors Ltd - (Pakistan)
** John Deere/ATL [] (joint venture in Pakistan)
* AGT - (Czech) []
* Alfrat - (Syria) []
* AGTL - (Pakistan) []
* Al-Ghazi Tractors - (Pakistan) []
** Fiat New Holland 480S
** Fiat New Holland Ghazi
** Fiat New Holland 640
** Fiat New Holland 640S
** Fiat New Holland 55-56
** Fiat New Holland 60-56

* Al Jadah - (Libya) [] (joint venture with Massey Ferguson)
* Anglo-Thai New Holland - (Thailand) []
* Antonio Carraro - (Italy) []
* Aratri Biagioli - (Italy) []
* ARGO SpA - (Italy) []
** Fort
** Landini (tractor) []
** McCormick Tractors []
** SEP []
** Valpadana []


* Barbieri - (Italy) []
* Basak - (Turkey) []
* BCS SpA - (Italy) []
** BCS
** Ferrari
** Pasquali
* Belarus - (Mexico) []
* Bell - (South Africa) []
* BERGmeister - (Germany) []
* Bernardin - (Argentina) []
* Bertolini - (Italy) []
* Bori - (Slovenia) []
* BS - (Vietnam) []
* Buhler - (Canada) []


* Carraro - (Agritalia) (Italy) []
* Ceahlau - (Romania) []
* Changfa - (China) []
* Changlin - (China) []
* Changzhou - (China)
** Dongfeng []
* Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant - (Russia) []
** ChTZ
* China Shangdong - (China) []
** TaiShan []
* Chuanfeng - (China) []
* Chuanlong - (China) []
* Cirta - (Algeria) []
** CMT
** PMA
* Claas - (Germany) []
** Claas
** Renault - (France)
* CNH Global - (Italy/USA) []
** Case IH - (USA) []
** New Holland - (Italy/USA) []
** Shanghai New Holland (joint venture) - (China) []
** Steyr - (Austria) []
** UzCaseTractor (Joint Venture) - (Uzbekistan)
* Crossword Agro - (India) []
** Atmak
** Captain
** Nissan
* Crystal - (Poland) []


* DaeDong - (South Korea) []
** DaeDong
** Kioti []
** Landpower
* Deere & Company - (USA) []
** Benye - (China) [] - purchased in 2007
** Cameco []
** John Deere
** John Deere Tiantuo (JDT) - (joint venture) (China) []
*** Apollo
*** Iron Bull
* Dewan Tractors - (Pakistan)
* Dexheimer - (Germany) []
* Dezzi - (South Africa)(Desmond) []
* Doppstadt - (Germany) []
* DS Martin - (Slovak)
** Martin Diesel
** Mt. Super


* Ebro - (Spain)
* Eicher
* Enfly - (China) []
* Erkunt - (Turkey) []
** ArmaTrac []
* Escorts - (India)
** Escorts []
** Escorts Polmot - (Poland) []
** Farmtrac
** Powertrac


* Farmer - (Poland) []
* Force Motors - (formerly Bajaj Tempo Ltd) (India) []
** Balwan
** Tempo Ox
* Forma - (Romania) []
* Foton Lovol - (China)(sold under many names) []
** EuroLeopard []
** Eurotrac []
** Foton
** Lovol
* Fuyang Tractor - (China)
** Benniu []


* Gecheng - (China) []
* GIAD - (Sudan) []
* GM Universal - (Pakistan) []
* Goldoni - (Italy) []


* Hanomag - (Germany)
** Hanomag Barreiros (Spain)
* Hattat - (Turkey) []
** Hattat - (licensed Valtra)
** Hattat Universal
* Hitachi Construction Machinery Tierra Co, Ltd - (Japan)
** Hinomoto
** Hitachi []
* HMT - (India) []
* Honda - (Japan) [] []
* HTZ - (Ukraine)


* IMK - (Yugoslavia) []
* IMR - (Yugoslavia) []
* IMT - (Yugoslavia) []
* International Tractors Limited (India) []
* Indo Farm - (India) []
* Iseki - (Japan) []
* ITMCo - (Iran) []
** ITMCo
** Massey Ferguson (under license)
** MTF
** TajIran - (Tajikistan)(joint venture) []
** VenIran - (Venezuela)(joint venture) []
** ZimIran - (Zimbabwe)(joint venture)


* JCB - (UK) []
* JDS - (Germany) []
** Eicher
*** Valtra Eicher
** JDS
* Jiangsu - (China) []
* Jinma - (China)(various manufacturers) [] []
* JIROFT - (Iran) []
* Juling - (China) []
* JUMZ - (Russia)
* JWD - (UK)


* KAMA - (China)(various manufacturers) []
* KAMA3 - (Russia) []
* KamAZ
* Kaset Phattana - (Thailand) []
* KAT - (China) [] (by Shanghai Reden Industrial)
* KBZ - (Russia) []
* Kerman - (Iran) []
* KhTZ - (Ukraine) []
* Kirovets - (Russia) []
** Terrion []
* Kissan Standard - (India) []
* KMZ - (Russia) []
* Krieger - (Germany) []
* KTM - (Iran-Kurdistan) []
* Kubota - (Japan) []
* Kukje - (South Korea) []
** Branson []
** Kukje


* Lander - (Spain) []
* Lanz - (Germany)
* LIMB (LUXS) - (Slovenia) []
* Lindner - (Austria) []
* LS Cable (formerly LG Cable)(South Korea) []
** LS
* LTZ - (Russia) []
* Luli - (China) []
* Luzhong - (China) []


* Mahindra & Mahindra- (India) []
** Jiangling Motors - (China) - Mahindra China
*** FengShou
*** Lenar []
** Mahindra
** Mahindra Gujarat []
** Shaktimaan []
** Swaraj - (purchased 64.6% in 2007) []
* Malyshev - (Ukraine) []
* MAT - (Romania) []
* Metalfor Araus - (Argentina) []
* Millat - (Pakistan) []
** Massey Ferguson under license
** MT
* Mini - (Romania)
* Mitsubishi - (Japan) []
* MoAZ - (Russia)
* Morooka - (Japan)
* MTD - (USA) []
** Cub Cadet []
** Cub Cadet Yanmar []
* MTZ - (Belarussia) []
** Belarus []


* NAME - (Japan) []
* Nibbi - (Italy) []
*Ndy-auto-(China) []


* ORTZ - (Russia) []
* OSTMCO - (Iran) []
* O.T.M.Co - (Iran) []


* Pauny - (Argentina) []
** Pauny Rino 3000
** Zanello
* Pierre - (Italy) []
* Pol-Mot - (Poland) []
* Preet - (India) []
* Progress-ZST - (Russia) []
* Pronar - (Poland) []
* Proton Primus - (Brazil) []


* Qingdao Iaoshan Tractor Factory - (China)
** Laotuo


* RABA - (Hungary) []
* Reform - (Austria) []
** Metrac
** Mounty
* Rombel - (Romania)(joint between Semanatoarea, MTZ Belarus and MYO-O)

* Saktraktori - (Georgia) []
* Samarakoon Tractor Industries - (Sri Lanka)
** Farmwell
* Same Deutz-Fahr - (Italy) []
** Deutz-Fahr - (Germany)
** Hurlimann []
** Lamborghini []
* Sauerburger - (Germany) []
* Saukville - (USA) []
* Schanzlin - (Germany) []
* Shangdong Juli - (China) []
* Shangdong Shifeng - (China) []
** Shifeng
* Shandgong Shuangli - (China) []
** Shuangli
* Shanghai - (China)(joint venture)
** Shanghai New Holland []
* Shanghai Newyear - (China)
** Newyear
* ShenNiu - (China) []
* Shenyang - (China) []
* Shenzhen Victor Industrial - (China)
** SWT
* Shibaura - (Japan) []
* Silvatec - (Denmark)
* Smallholder (UK)
* Sonalika International - (India) []
** Renault Sonalika International (RSI)
** Solis
** Sonalika
* Standard - (India) []
* Super Star - (Turkey) []


* Tractors And Farm Equipment - (India) []
** Eicher
** Eicher Valtra (under license)
* Tai'an Taishan Guotai - (China) []
* Tianjin - (China) []
** JDT (John Deere Tianjin, joint venture) []
** Tianjin
* TianTong - (China) []
* Tikhvinskiy Tractor Plant - (Russia)
** Titran
* Tolpar - (Russia)
* Tong Yang Moolsan - (South Korea) []
** Tong Yang
** TYM
* Toos - (Iran) []
* Tractors Y Maquinarias SRL - (Argentina)
** T&M Grossi []
* Tractorul UTB - (Romania)(in receivership in 2007) []
** Titan
** Universal UTB
* Tracom - (Moldovia) []
* Trac-Za - (Argentina)
* Trantor - (UK) []
* TTZ - (Uzbekistan) []
* Tümosan - (Turkey) []
** Türk Traktör
* Tur - (¿?)


* UAZ - (Ukraine)
* Ukraina - (Ukraine)
* UMZ []
* USAMA Harris Khan - (Pakistan) []
** Chaman Ford
* UTB -
* UVZ - (Russia) []
* Uzel - (Turkey)
** Holder - (Germany) []
** Massey Ferguson - (under license)
*** Ursus - (Poland)(51% as of 2007)
* UzCaseTractor JV - (Uzbekistan)


* Valmet - (Finland) []
* Valtra - (Finland) []
* Vandel - (France) []
* Varzan - (Iran) []
* VST Tillers - (India) []
** Eurotrac
** Eurotrac-VST
** Mitsubishi-Shakti
** Shakti


* WeiFang - (China) []
* Wisconsin Engineering - (Czech) []
* World - (China) []
* Wuzheng - (China) []


* XinBaiJin - (China) []
* Xiagong - (China) []
* XingTai - (China)
* Xinhu - (China) []
* XTZ - (Ukrainian abbreviation for the Kharkive Tractor Plant)(Ukraine) []


* Yagmur - (Turkey) []
** Valpadana (licensed)
* Yanmar - (Japan) []
* YiDaneng - (China) []


* Zanello - (Argentina)
* Zetor - (Czech)
* Zhengzhou - (China) []
* ZhongLian - (China) []
* Zhongyuan - (China) []
* Zhongtuo - (China) []
** Indotrak
* Zonda - (China) []
* ZTS - (Slovak) []

External links

* [ List of Tractor Models by Manufacturer (]
* [ Large Tractor Video Archive (]

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