List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1965

List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1965

This is an incomplete list of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom in 1965.

* Guildie Howes Mine (Locomotives and Diesel Vehicles) Special Regulations 1965 S.I. 1965/33
* Muirshiel Barytes Mine (Storage Battery Locomotives) Special Regulations 1965 S.I. 1965/120
* The Road Vehicles (Index Marks) (Amendment) Regulations 1965 S. I. 1965/237
* Act of Sederunt (Rules of Court) (Consolidation and Amendment) 1965 S.I. 1965/321
* Barnsley (Water Charges) Order 1965 S.I. 1965/419
* The National Health Service (Regional Hospital Areas) Order 1965 S.I. 1965/527
* Water Resources (Licences) Regulations 1965 S.I. 1965/534
* Local Law (Greater London Council and Inner London Boroughs) Order 1965 S.I. 1965/540
* Post Office Register (Trustee Savings Banks) (Amendment) Regulations 1965 S.I. 1965/556
* The London Government Order 1965 S.I. 1965/654
* Merseyside Special Review Area Order 1965 S.I. 1965/905
* South East Lancashire Special Review Area Order S.I. 1965/906
* Industrial Tribunals (England and Wales) Regulations 1965 S.I. 1965/1101
* Industrial Tribunals (Scotland) Regulations 1965 S.I. 1965/1157
* The East of Christchurch-Tredegar Park Motorway Connecting Roads Special Roads Scheme 1965 S.I. 1965/1247
* Dragonby Ironstone Mine (Diesel, Diesel-Electric and Storage Battery Vehicles) (Amendment) Special Regulations 1965 S.I. 1965/1299
* Common Investment Fund Scheme 1965 S.I. 1965/1467
* County Court Funds Rules 1965 S.I. 1965/1500
* Visiting Forces and International Headquarters (Application of Law) Order 1965 S.I. 1965/1536
* Coal and Other Mines (Mechanics and Electricians) Regulations 1965 S.I. 1965/1559
* Redburn Mine (Storage Battery Locomotives) Special Regulations 1965 S.I. 1965/1698
* Barnsley Water Order 1965 S.I. 1965/1728
* Rules of the Supreme Court 1965 S.I. 1965/1776
* Act of Adjournal (Criminal Legal Aid Fees Amendment) 1965 S.I. 1965/1788
* Redundancy Payments Pensions Regulations 1965 S.I. 1965/1932
* Industrial and Provident Societies Regulations 1965 S.I. 1965/1995
* County of Ross and Cromarty (River Lael Allt Gleann a' Mhadaidh) Water Order 1965 S.I. 1965/2102
* Town and Country Planning (Scotland) (New Town of East Kilbride) (Special Development) Order 1965 S.I. 1965/2118

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