List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1979

List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1979

This is an incomplete list of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom in 1979.


* Act of Adjournal (Criminal Legal Aid Fees Amendment) 1979 S.I. 1979/95


* Supreme Court Funds (Amendment) Rules 1979 S.I. 1979/106
* General Medical Council (Constitution) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/112
* Control of Off-Street Parking (Scotland) Order 1979 S.I. 119/1979


* Customs Warehousing Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/207
* Judicial Pensions (Widows' and Children's Benefits) (Amendment) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/210
* Aircraft and Shipbuilding Industries (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/294 (N.I. 1)
* Judgments Enforcement and Debts Recovery (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/296 (N.I. 3)
* Rates Amendment (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/297 (N.I. 4)


* Llandeilo-Carmarthen Trunk road (Penrock Bends Diversion) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/388
* Social Security (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/396 (N.I. 5)


* "Pelican" Pedestrian Crossings (Amendment) Regulations and General Directions 1979 S.I. 1979/401
* Police Pensions (Amendment) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/406
* Vaccine Damage Payments Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/432
* Extradition (Internationally Protected Persons) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/453


* Customs Duties (Standard Exchange Relief) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/554
* Outward Processing Relief Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/555
* Social Security (Contributions) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/591
* Social Security (Overlapping Benefits) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/597


* Social Security (Claims and Payments) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/628
* Superannuation (Judicial Offices) (Amendment) Rules 1979 S.I. 1979/668
* Social Security (Earnings Factor) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/676


* National Health Service (Dental and Optical Charges) (Scotland) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/705
* Forestry (Felling of Trees) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/791
* Industrial Training (Transfer of the Activities of Establishments) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/793



* Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/924 (N.I. 8)
* Pneumoconiosis, etc., (Workers' Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/925 (N.I. 9)
* Tattooing of Minors (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/926 (N.I. 10)
* Industrial and Provident Societies (Credit Unions) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/937
* Scottish Land Court Rules 1979 S.I. 1979/979


* Pensions Increase (Review) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/1047
* Motor Vehicles (Designation of Approval Marks) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/1088



* Police Pensions (War Service) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/1259
* Police Pensions (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/1287


* Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders (Hague Convention Countries) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/1317
* Explosives Act 1875 (Exemptions) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/1378
* Taximeters (EEC Requirements) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/1379


* Weights and Measures Local Standards: Periods of Validity) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/1436


* Statutory Rules (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/1573 (N.I. 12)
* Industrial Assurance (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/1574 (N.I. 13)
* Administration of Estates (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/1575 (N.I. 14)
* Brucellosis (Scotland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/1596


* Supreme Court Funds (Amendment No. 2) Rules 1979 S.I. 1979/1620
* Immigration (Ports of Entry) (Amendment) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/1635


* Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/1709 (N.I. 16)
* Mineral Exploration (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/1713 (N.I. 18)
* Perjury (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/1714 (N.I. 19)
* The Copyright (International Conventions) Order 1979 S.I. 1979/1715
* Working Standards and Testing Equipment (Testing and Adjustment) (Amendment) Regulations 1979 S.I. 1979/1719

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