- Anna of Foix-Candale
Anna of Foix (1484 –
Buda ,Hungary ,26 July 1506 ) was theQueen consort ofHungary and Bohemia.Life
She was born the daughter of
Gaston II de Foix, Count of Candale and Benauges and Catherine, Infanta of Navarre. Her mother Catherine was the youngest daughter ofGaston IV of Foix , and Eleanor of Aragon, who herself became in 1479 for a couple of weeks the reigningqueen of Navarre and died. Anna's father was a relative of her mother's father. Anna was born during the reign of her first cousinCatherine I of Navarre . Queen Catherine of Foix ascended the Navarrese throne in 1483 and ruled with her husband John of Albret from 1484, the year of Anne's birth..The elderly, twice-divorced and childless King
Ladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary of theJagiellon dynasty (1456-1516) had been searching a wife able to bear heirs to him. His sights were set on a high-level and powerful alliance, closely related to French royalty was acceptable. On29 September 1502 Ladislaus wed the 18-year-old Anna inSzékesfehérvár and she was crowned Queen of Hungary there on the same day. [See Kropf (1895)]Though Anne was his third wife, she gave birth to his only surviving legitimate children [She never entered Bohemia because of her early death, therefore her children cannot have been born in
Prague as it can be found in some encyclopedias falsely.] , who were born inBuda :*
Anna of Bohemia and Hungary , laterQueen consort ofHungary and Bohemia. MarriedFerdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor and they inherited Bohemia and what was left of Hungary.
*Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia , King of Hungary and Bohemia, killed 1526.Footnotes
*Anthony, Raoul: "Identification et Etude des Ossements des Rois de Navarre inhumés dans la Cathédrale de Lescar (Identification and Study of the Bones of the Kings of Navarre buried at the Cathedral of Lescar)". Paris. Masson. 1931
*Birkás, Géza: "Francia utazók Magyarországon (French Travellers in Hungary)". Acta Universitatis Szegediensis: Sectio philologica, Tomus 16. Szeged. 228 pp. 1948
*Byrne, Francis John: Irish Kings and High-Kings. London: Batsford. 1973 ISBN 0-7134-5882-8
*Dobosy, Tibor: "Pierre Choque, Anna magyar királyné francia kísérője (Pierre Choque, The French Attendant of Anne of Foix Queen of Hungary)". Budapest. 1940
*Fógel, József: "II. Ulászló udvartartása (The Court of Ladislaus II) (1490-1516)". MTA (The Hungarian Academy of Science). Budapest. 166 pp. 1913
*Kropf, Lajos: Anna királyné, II. Ulászló neje (Queen Anne of Foix, the Consort of Ladislas II). "Századok (Periodical Centuries)" "29". 689-709. 1895
*Kšír, Josef: K původu české královny Anny (To the Origin of Anne of Foix Queen of Bohemia). "Genealogické a heraldické listy (GaHL) (Genealogical and Heraldical Lists)" "21". 40-47. Prague. 2001
*Macek, Josef: "Tři ženy krále Vladislava (The Three Wives of King Ladislas)". Prague. Mladá fronta. 1991
*Marczali, Henrik: Candalei Anna II. Ulászló neje, magyarországi útjának és a menyegzői ünnepélyek leírása (Közlemények a párisi Nemzeti könyvtárból 1448-1596, 83-122) (The Description of the Route to Hungary and the Wedding of Anne of Foix, the Wife of Ladislas II. Announcements from the National Library of Paris in French 1448-1596). "Magyar Történelmi Tár (Hungarian Historical Journal)" "23". 97-113. 1877
*Solymosi, László (ed.): "Magyarország történeti kronológiája I. A kezdetektől 1526-ig (The Historical Chronology of Hungary. From the Beginnings to 1526)". főszerk. (editor-in-chief): Kálmán Benda. Budapest. 1981
*Wenzel, Gusztáv: II. Ulászló magyar és cseh királynak házas élete (The Marriages of Ladislas II King of Hungary and Bohemia). "Századok (Periodical Centuries)". 631-641, 727-757 és 816-840. 1877External links
* [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NAVARRE.htm#_Toc173391037 Foundation for Medieval Genealogy/Navarre Kings Genealogy]
* [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/IRELAND.htm#BrianBorudied1014 Foundation for Medieval Genealogy/Irish Kings & High Kings Genealogy]
* [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/WALES.htm#Llywellyndied1240B Foundation for Medieval Genealogy/Wales Genealogy]
* [http://racineshistoire.free.fr/LGN/PDF/Grailly_captals-de-Buch.pdf Seigneurs de Grailly Généalogie]
* [http://www.foixstory.com Foix-Grailly Généalogie]
* [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/TOULOUSE%20NOBILITY.htm#GastonIVFoixdied1472B Foundation for Medieval Genealogy/Foix Genealogy]
* [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISH%20NOBILITY%20MEDIEVAL2.htm#_Toc196023998 Foundation for Medieval Genealogy/De La Pole Genealogy]
* [http://genealogy.euweb.cz/foix/albret2.html Euweb/Albret Genealogy]
* [http://genealogy.euweb.cz/foix/foix3.html#QC Euweb/Foix-Grailly Genealogy]
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