Petra Kronberger

Petra Kronberger

Petra Kronberger (born February 21, 1969, in Pfarrwerfen) is an Austrian former alpine skier, who participated in all disciplines. She debuted in the World Cup in 1987, and achieved her first win in a downhill competition in 1990.

In 1990 Kronberger won the World Cup overall, the first non-Swiss winner since 1984, and the first Austrian winner since Annemarie Moser-Pröll in 1979. Petra Kronberger is one of the few athletes who has won world cup competitions in all five disciplines. She retired as alpine skier in December 1992.

World Cup victories


Individual races

NAME=Kronberger, Petra
SHORT DESCRIPTION=Austrian alpine skier
DATE OF BIRTH=February 21 1969
PLACE OF BIRTH=Pfarrwerfen

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