Soyuz TMA-3

Soyuz TMA-3

Infobox Space mission
mission_name = Soyuz TMA-3
sign = "Ingul"
spacecraft_name = Soyuz TMA
insignia = Soyuz TMA-3 Patch white.jpg
insignia_size = 180px
stats_ref =
crew_members = 3
launch_pad = Gagarin's Start
launch = October 18, 2003 05:38:03 UTC
landing = April 30, 2004 00:11:15 UTC
50.38° N, 67.20° E
duration = 194 days, 18 hours, 33 minutes, 12 seconds
orbits = ~3,170
apogee = 227 km
perigee = 193 km
period = 88.6 min
altitude =
inclination = 51.67°
distance =
mass =
crew_photo = Soyuz TMA-3 Crew.jpeg
crew_caption =
previous = Soyuz TMA-2
next = Soyuz TMA-4

Soyuz TMA-3 was a Soyuz mission to the International Space Station (ISS) launched by a Soyuz FG launch vehicle.


=Launched and landed ISS "Expedition 8" crew:=

*"Alexander Kaleri (4)" - RUS
*"Michael Foale (6)" - USA


*Pedro Duque (2) - ESA ESP


*André Kuipers (1) - ESA NED

(1) number of spaceflights each crew member has completed, including this mission.

Mission parameters

*Mass: ? kg
*Perigee: 193 km
*Apogee: 227 km
*Inclination: 51.7°
*Period: 88.6 min

Docking with ISS

*Docked to ISS: October 20, 2003, 07:16 UTC (to Pirs module)
*Undocked from ISS: April 29, 2004, 20:52 UTC (from Pirs module)

Mission highlights

Soyuz TMA-3 (Russian Союз ТМА-3, "Union TMA-3") was a Russian spaceflight mission to the International Space Station, the third flight for the "TMA" modification of the Soyuz spacecraft, and the 7th Soyuz to fly to the ISS.

The commander of the Soyuz was Alexander Kaleri (Russia). The flight engineer was Michael Foale (USA), and Pedro Duque from Spain served as the second flight engineer. After docking with the ISS they exchanged the current crew on ISS and became the eighth station crew, called "ISS Expedition Eight". During the stay on the station Michael Foale was the ISS Commander, while Alexander Kaleri was the engineer. Foale was the first American to have served on both Mir and the ISS. Pedro Duque performed some ESA sponsored science experiments under the mission name "Cervantes" and then returned with the ISS 7 crew on Soyuz TMA-2.

The backup crew was William McArthur, Valery Tokarev and André Kuipers.

Foale and Kaleri along with André Kuipers, the third seater from TMA-4 landed on April 29, 2004, near Arkalyk, Kazakhstan. A minor helium leak did not affect their mission.

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