Michael Hauben

Michael Hauben

Michael Hauben (1973–2001) was a computer specialist and author, interested in the transformative social effects of online communities and the latent political power of the Internet. In 1992 he coined the term Netizen to describe an Internet user who possesses a sense of civic responsibility for her/his virtual community in much the same way citizens would feel responsible for a physical community.

Hauben received degrees from Columbia University and was a fixture on the Columbia campus for over ten years. Along with his mother, Ronda Hauben, he co-authored the 1997 book Netizens : On the History and Impact of Usenet and the Internet, ISBN 0-8186-7706-6. He was an avid music fan, contributing one of the original web sites for band listings in existence.

There is some confusion over the circumstances of his death on June 27, 2001. Most online sources refer to the effects of injuries upon being hit by a taxicab in December 1999. Other quotes from those who knew him indicate he had become increasingly troubled for reasons not necessarily linked to his physical injuries. The "tech bust" of the late 1990s and early 2000s had severely thinned the ranks of prospective employers, and Hauben was finding it difficult to obtain even basic medical care and money for rent. When news of his death came, many assumed suicide.

A statement by his mother appeared to tacitly support that assumption: "I don't know why we lost Michael. I do know that someone who had contributed so much and had such potential for continuing contributions needed a way of finding help with these burdens.".[1]

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