Viktor Dyk

Viktor Dyk

Infobox Writer
name = Viktor Dyk

caption =
birthdate = birth date|1877|12|31|df=y
birthplace = Pšovka u Mělníka, Austria-Hungary
deathdate = death date and age|1931|5|14|1877|12|31|df=y
deathplace = Lopud, Yugoslavia
occupation = Poet, Politician, Playwright, prose writer, journalist
genre =
movement =
notableworks =
influences =
website =

Viktor Dyk (IPA2|ˈvɪktor ˈdɪk) (December 31, 1877, Pšovka u MělníkaMay 14, 1931, near the island of Lopud, Yugoslavia) was a well-known Czech poet, prose writer, playwright, politician and political writer.

Viktor Dyk studied at a gymnasium in Prague (one of his teachers was Alois Jirásek) and then at the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague.

In 1911, he became involved in politics and joined the Státoprávně pokroková strana. During the First World War, he was imprisoned in Vienna for his resistance activities against Austria-Hungary. In 1918, he co-founded the Czechoslovak National Democratic Party (in Czech: "Československá národní demokracie").

His political views were conservative and nationalist. In the times of the First Republic of Czechoslovakia, Viktor Dyk was one of the prominent intellectual opponents of the leftish president Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk.

Viktor Dyk died of a heart failure while swimming in the sea near the island of Lopud.



* "A porta inferi", 1897
* "Síla života", 1898
* "Marnosti", 1900
* "Satiry a sarkasmy", 1905
* "Milá sedmi loupežníků, 1906
* "Pohádky z naší vesnice", 1910
* "Giuseppe Moro", 1911
* "Zápas Jiřího Macků", 1916
* "Noci chiméry", 1917
* "Devátá vlna" 1930
* "Lehké a těžké kroky" 1915
* "Anebo" 1917
* "Okno" 1921
* "Poslední rok" 1922


* "Stud", 1900
* "Hučí jez a jiné prózy", 1903
* "Konec Hackenschmidův", 1904
* "Prosinec", 1906
* "Prsty Habakukovy", 1906
* "Píseň o vrbě", 1908
* "Příhody", 1911
* "Krysař", 1915
* "Tajemná dobrodružství Alexeje Iványče Kozulinova", 1923
* "Tichý dům", 1921
* "Zlý vítr", 1922
* "Prsty Habakukovy", 1925
* "Můj přítel Čehona", 1925
* "Dědivadelní hra", 1927
* "Holoubek Kuzma", 1928
* "Soykovy děti", 1929

Political literature

* "Ad usum pana presidenta republiky" (1929criticism of Edvard Beneš and Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk
* "O národní stát" (posthumously 19321938, 7 books od Dyk's political writing from 19171931)


* "Epizoda", 1906
* "Posel", 1907
* "Zmoudření Dona Quijota", 1913
* "Veliký mág", 1914
* "Zvěrstva", 1919
* "Ondřej a drak", 1919
* "Revoluční trilogie", 1921
* "Napravený plukovník Švec", 1929support of Rudolf Medek


* "Vzpomínky a komentáře", 1927

See also

* List of Czech writers

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