Boutros Ghali

Boutros Ghali

:"This article is about the Egyptian politician, not to be confused the Secretary-General of the United Nations; Boutros Boutros-Ghali"

Boutros Ghali ( _ar. بطرس غالي); (Born 1846 - February 20, 1910) was a Coptic Prime Minister of Egypt from 1908 to 1910.

He was accused of favouring the British in the Denshawai incident and on February 20, 1910, Ghali was assassinated by Ibrahim Nassif al-Wardani, a young pharmacology graduate who had just returned from the United Kingdom.

His grandson Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who was named after him, would go on to become the Deputy Prime Minister of Egypt and a Secretary-General of the United Nations.


* "The Modern Middle East and North Africa" by Aroian and Mitchell

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