Haplogroup M (mtDNA)

Haplogroup M (mtDNA)

In human genetics, Haplogroup M is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

An enormous haplogroup spanning many continents, the macro-haplogroup M is a branch of the haplogroup L3.

M is believed to have originated in Asia [Gonzalez et al., [http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1945034 Mitochondrial lineage M1 traces an early human backflow to Africa] , BMC Genomics 2007, 8:223 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-8-223] some 60,000 to 75,000 years before present:

The deep roots of M phylogeny clearly establish the antiquity of Indian lineages, especially M2, as compared to Ethiopian M1 lineage and hence, support an Asian origin of M macrohaplogroup.Revathi Rajkumar et al., [http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/5/26 Phylogeny and antiquity of M macrohaplogroup inferred from complete mt DNA sequence of Indian specific lineages] , BMC Evolutionary Biology 2005, 5:26 doi:10.1186/1471-2148-5-26]

Among the descendants of M are C, D, E, G, Q, and Z, with Z and G being observed in North Eurasian populations, C and D being shared between North Eurasian and Native American populations, E being observed in Southeast Asian populations, and Q being observed in Melanesian populations. The lineages M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M18 and M25 are exclusive to India, with M2 reported to be the oldest lineage on the Indian sub-continent. [Revathi Rajkumar et al.] M7 and M8 are widespread Eastern Eurasian lineages.

Due to its great age, haplogroup M is an mtDNA lineage which does not correspond well to present-day ethnic groups, as it spans Siberian, Native American, East Asian, Southeast Asian, Central Asian, South Asian, Melanesian as well as Ethiopian, Somali, European, and various Middle Eastern populations in lesser frequency.

Descendants of haplogroup M

*Haplogroup M1 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M1.htm] - found in Western Eurasia and Northeast Africa [A.D. Holden et al., [http://konig.la.utk.edu/AJPA_Suppl_40_web.htm MtDNA variation in North, East, and Central African populations gives clues to a possible back-migration from the Middle East] , Program of the Seventy-Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (2005)]
**Haplogroup M1a
*Haplogroup M2 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M2.htm] - found in South Asia
*Haplogroup M3 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M3.htm] - found in South Asia
*Haplogroup M4 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M4.htm] - Found in South Asia
**Haplogroup M4a - found in Gujarat, India [http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2164-7-151.pdf K. Thangaraj et al, "In situ origin of deep rooting lineages of mitochondrial Macrohaplogroup 'M' in India". BMC Genomics, 2006] ]
*Haplogroup M5 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M5.htm] - found in South Asia
**Haplogroup M5a - found in Orissa, India
*Haplogroup M6 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M6.htm] - found in South Asia
**Haplogroup M6b - found in Kerala, India
*Haplogroup M7 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M7.htm] - found in East Asia, especially in Japan
*Haplogroup M8 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M8.htm] - found in East Asia, especially in Japan
*Haplogroup M9 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M9.htm] - found in East and Southeast Asia
**Haplogroup E (mtDNA) - a subclade of M9 - found especially in SE Asia
*Haplogroup M10 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M10.htm] - small clade found in East Asia
*Haplogroup M11 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M11&12.htm] - small clade found especially among the Chinese
*Haplogroup M12 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M11&12.htm] - small clade found in Japan
*Haplogroup M21 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M21.htm] - small clade found in SE Asia
*Haplogroup M27 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M27-29.htm] - found in Melanesia
*Haplogroup M28 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M27-29.htm] - found in Melanesia
*Haplogroup M29 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M27-29.htm] - found in Melanesia
*Haplogroup M31 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M31.htm] - found in Andaman Islands
**Haplogroup M31a1 - found among the Onge, in the Andaman Islands
*Haplogroup M32 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M32.htm] - found in Andaman Islands
*Haplogroup M33 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M33.htm] - found in SE and South Asia
**Haplogroup M33a - found in Gujarat, India
*Haplogroup M34 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M34.htm] - found in SE and South Asia
**Haplogroup M34a - found in Karnataka, India
*Haplogroup M35 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M35.htm] - found in SE Asia
*Haplogroup M37
**Haplogroup M37a - found in Gujarat, India
*Haplogroup M39 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M39.htm] - found in SE Asia
*Haplogroup M40 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M40.htm] - found in SE Asia
*Haplogroup M41 - found in South Asia
**Haplogroup M41b - found in Andhra Pradesh, India
**Haplogroup M41c - found in Andrah Pradesh, India
*Haplogroup M42 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M42.htm]
*Haplogroup M48 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_M48.htm]
*Haplogroup CZ
**Haplogroup C [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_C.htm] - found especially in Northeast Asia
***Haplogroup C1 [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_C1.htm] - found in Asia and America (Native Americans and Hispanics in particular)
***Haplogroup C4
**Haplogroup Z [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_Z.htm] - found among diverse Eurasian populations: Hazara, Finns, Japanese, Sami and some Russians.
*Haplogroup D - found in Eastern Eurasia, Native Americans, Central Asia [ [http://www.nature.com/ejhg/journal/v12/n6/full/5201160a.html D. Comas et al., "Admixture, migrations, and dispersals in Central Asia: evidence from maternal DNA lineages". EJHG, 2004] ] and occasionally also in West Asia and Northern Europe.
*Haplogroup G [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_G.htm] - found especially in Japan with some isolated instances in diverse places of Asia
*Haplogroup Q [http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/discussion/hap_Q.htm] - found in Melanesia and Australia (Aborigines)


See also

*Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups
*Human mitochondrial genetics
*Genetics and Archaeogenetics of South Asia

External links

* [https://www3.nationalgeographic.com/genographic/atlas.html?card=mm004 Spread of Haplogroup M] , from "National Geographic"

* [http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/3619/hapm9ev.jpgTree of M haplogroup as for 2006]

* [http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6847832518 Haplogroup M (mtDNA)] interest group on Facebook

* [http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6831026431 China DNA] interest group on Facebook

* [http://www.familytreedna.com/public/india The India DNA] geographical project at Family Tree DNA

* [http://www.familytreedna.com/public/china The China DNA] geographical project at Family Tree DNA

* [http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/6476/hap1ec.jpgAnother tree emphasizing the Andamanese and Nicobarese populations in comparison with other peoples with high M presence]

* [http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2164-7-151.pdf K.Tharanghaj et al. "In situ origin of deep rooting lineages of mitochondrial Macrohaplogroup M in India" (PDF document)]

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