- Barrett Report
The Barrett Report is a 400 page report created by
special prosecutor David Barrett. Initially tasked with investigating allegations of lying to theFBI againstHenry Cisneros , Secretary of theU.S Department of Housing and Urban Development underU.S. President Bill Clinton , the investigation eventually delved into allegations that President Clinton had used theU.S. Department of Justice and theInternal Revenue Service as political tools against American citizens. [cite web
title=A Cover-up of the Barrett Report? Congress’s action might keep it under wraps
publisher=National Review
date=2005-11-18]Cisneros, a former San Antonio mayor, eventually pleaded guilty to a
misdemeanor charge of lying to the FBI. He paid aUS$ 10,000 fine and waspardon ed by President Clinton on Clinton's final day in office. [cite web
title=Cisneros Probe Stirred Worries Of Democrats
first=R. Emmett Jr.
coauthors=Brian McGuire
publisher=The New York Sun
date=2006-01-16]Before the release of the report, three Democrat
U.S. Senator s,John Kerry ,Dick Durbin andByron Dorgan , forced theredaction of certain pages by attaching a rider to an unrelatedappropriations bill . [cite web
title=A GOP ace in the hole?
publisher=Washington Times
date=2008-01-24]ee also
Henry Cisneros payments controversy References
External links
* [http://barrett.oic.gov/finalreport/index.htm Final Report: Office of Independent Counsel David M. Barrett In Re Henry G. Cisneros]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.