Tree shelter

Tree shelter

A Tree shelter is a type of plastic shelter used to nurture trees in the early stages of their growth. Tree shelters are also sometimes known as Tuley tubes.

Treeshelters protect young trees from browsing by most herbivores by forming a physical barrier. They also provide a benevolent micro-climate to the sapling by sheltering from wind and the slight greenhouse effect found within the tube.

They are particularly popular in the UK in landscape-scale planting schemes. About 1 million shelters were in use in Great Britainin 19831984 (Tuley 1985), and 10 million were produced in 1991 (Potter 1991)

An alternative to a traditional tree shelter is something called a Spiral Guard. These are coiled lengths of PVC in various diameters, lengths and colours. Manufactured from 100% recycled PVC these are an economical and environmentally friendly means of protecting young trees from browsing wildlife and harsh conditions, at the same time preventing scrap plastics being sent to landfill sites.


* Potter, M.J. (1991) "Treeshelters - Forestry Commission Handbook 7" HMSO
* Tuley, G. (1985) The growth of young oak trees in shelters. "Forestry" 58(2):18119

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