

Jean-Luc Raharimanana (born June 26, 1967, Antananarivo, Madagascar) is a Malagasy writer in French.

He wrote his first book in his birth contryside, but he couldn't publish it because of the political situation . He went to France to study ethnolinguistic. He has been a teacher, a journalist and the writer of several books, which have been translated to German, English, Italian and Spanish. He describes the situation of poverty and corruption and the history of his homeland with a violent and lyrical style.


* "Le prophète et le président" (1989)
* "Le lépreux et dix-neuf autres nouvelles" (Hatier, 1992)
* "Rêves sous le linceul" (Le Serpent à Plumes, 1996)
* "Le puits", (Actes Sud Papier, 1997)
* "Lucarne" (Le Serpent à Plumes, 1999)
* "Nour, 1947", (Le Serpent à Plumes, 2001)
* "Landisoa et les trois cailloux" (Edicef, 2001)
* "L'arbre anthropophage" (Joëlle Losfeld, 2004)


* [http://www.lehman.cuny.edu/ile.en.ile/paroles/raharimanana.html Raharimanana] , biography by Magali Compan-Barnard (in French) and bibliography, with audio recording ("île en île").
* [http://www.revuenoire.com/francais/S07-7.html Extrait] (Revue Noire).
* [http://www.leprophete.com La pièce sur PARIS!!!!]
* [http://www.lezebufrancophone.org Association soutenant Raharimanana]

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