Val Plumwood

Val Plumwood

Val Plumwood (11 August 1939c. 28 February 2008), formerly Val Routley, was an Australian ecofeminist intellectual and activist, who was prominent in the development of radical ecosophy from the early 1970s through the remainder of the 20th century.cite journal
first = Freya
last = Matthews
year = 1999
title = Ecophilosophy in Oz
journal = Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Nature
volume = 3
issue = 2
url =


Plumwood was active in movements to preserve biodiversity and halt deforestation from the 1960s on, and helped establish the trans-discipline known as ecological humanities. She married philosopher Richard Routley, and then separated in the early 1980s. Richard, who died in 1996, changed his name to Richard Sylvan in 1983, and Val then changed her name to Plumwood.

At the time of her death, Plumwood was Australian Research Council Fellow at the Australian National University, and in the past had held positions at North Carolina State University, the University of Montana, and the University of Sydney.

She was found dead on 1 March 2008 and is thought to have died about 28 February. Cause of death was originally thought to be a snakebite or spider bite, but her death was confirmed to be the result of natural causes. [ [ Val Plumwood died of natural causes] ]


Plumwood's major theoretical works are her 1993 "Feminism and the Mastery of Nature" and her 2002 "Environmental Culture: the Ecological Crisis of Reason". She has elaborated her views in four books and over one hundred papers. [ Australian National University] faculty bio]

Plumwood critiques what she describes as "the standpoint of mastery," a set of views of the self and its relationship to the other associated with sexism, racism, capitalism, colonialism, and the domination of nature. She draws on feminist theory to analyze this standpoint, which she argues involves "seeing the other as radically separate and inferior, the background to the self as foreground, as one whose existence is secondary, derivative or peripheral to that of the self or center, and whose agency is denied or minimized."cite book
author = Palmer, Joyce
title = 50 Key Thinkers on the Environment
publisher = Routledge
year = 2001
id = ISBN 0-415-14699-2
] She identifies the human/nature dualism as part of a series of problematic, gendered dualisms, including "human/animal, mind/body... male/female, reason/emotion, [and] civilized/primitive." She argues for abandoning these dualisms, and correspondingly the traditional Western notion of a rational, unitary, Cartesian self, in favor of an ecological ethic based on empathy for the other. In doing so, she rejects not only the "hyperseparation" between the self and the other, and between humanity and nature, involved in the hegemonic view, but also postmodern alternatives based on a respect for absolute difference and deep ecological alternatives based on a merging of the self and the world, in favor of a view that recognizes and grounds ethical responsibility in both the continuities and the divisions between the subject and the object, and between people and the environment.

Near Death Experience

In her essay "Being Prey", Val described her near-death experience that occurred during a solo canoe trip in Australia's rugged bush territory. She was alone on the river and saw what appeared to be a "floating stick" that she soon realized was a crocodile. Before she could get ashore the crocodile attacked her canoe and in her attempt to leap ashore to avoid being capsized, Val was seized by the crocodile. The essay describes the "death rolls" the croc put her through several times, though miraculously she escaped to crawl nearly two miles to a rescue point. From this experience, Val gained a perspective that humans are part of the food chain as well, and that our culture's human-centric view is disconnected from the reality that we too are food for animals (as well as complex beings).

See also

* Ecofeminism
* Ecological humanities
* Ecosophy


External links

* [ Val Plumwood & Friends] : a blog site set up for friends to share thoughts and information.
* [ Prey to a Crocodile] : an autobiographical account of an incident that, according to Plumwood, changed her life.
* [ Reply to Janis Birkeland] : Plumwood defends her credentials as an ecofeminist.
* [ Feminism, Nature, and Discursive Ecologies] : Review of "Feminism and the Mastery of Nature" by Stacy Alaimo.
* [ Environmental Culture: The Ecological Crisis of Reason] : Review by Chris Cuomo.

Further reading

By Val Plumwood
*Plumwood, Val. "Feminism and the Mastery of Nature". Routledge, 1993.
*Plumwood, Val. "Environmental Culture: the Ecological Crisis of Reason". Routledge, 2002.
*Val Plumwood (Routley) and Richard Routley, "The Fight for the Forests: The Takeover of Australian Forests for Pines, Wood Chips and Intensive Forestry", Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, 1973.

*Richard Routley and Val Plumwood, "The 'Fight for the Forests' affair," in Brian Martin, C. M. Ann Baker, Clyde Manwell and Cedric Pugh (eds.), Intellectual Suppression: Australian Case Histories, Analysis and Responses (Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1986), pp. 70-73.
* Plumwood V, 2004, " `The fight for the forests' revisited", The William Main Forestry Lecture Series, University of California, Berkeley, CA
* Plumwood, Val, "The Fight for the Forests Revisited", paper delivered to Win, Lose or Draw: the Fight for the Forests? A Symposium, Old Canberra House, Australian National University, 14 October 2003. []
*Radio National references

About Val Plumwood
* An essay on Plumwoods work can be found in 50 Key Thinkers on the Environment (ed. Joy A. Palmer, Routledge 2001, 283-290). Plumwoods environmental theory and activism also features in Martin Mulligan and Stuart Hill "Ecological Pioneers" (Cambridge University Press 2001, 274-300). Plumwood contributed some strategic thinking to the Environmental Politics10th year anniversary issue, "Green Thinking? from Australia" "Environmental Politics" 10(4) 2001, pp 85-102.
* Prest, James (1997) "Protecting Plumwood Mountain" 41(6)"National Parks Journal" 17. (National Parks Association NSW). Discusses voluntary conservation agreement made under National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Wilderness Act 1987 over land in NSW.

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