

Vize ( _el. Βιζύη, _bg. Виза) is a town and district of Kırklareli Province in the Marmara region of Turkey.


Vize, under the ancient name "Bizye (Βιζύη)" served as capital for the ancient Thracian kingdom. The acropolis section up on the hill above the town has some ancient buildings and a perfectly preserved Byzantine Church of Haghia Sophia from the 6th C. Also, on the slope of the acropolis was recently found the remains of its ancient theater. Vize with its beautiful setting on the hilltop is in a commanding position over the surrounding area. Across the plain from the town are many burial mounds built for the rulers of Thracian kingdom. There are some more churches and monasteries mainly from the byzantine era, in the neighborhood of Vize. The town also has some Ottoman structures, in addition to an ancient synagogue.

External links

* [ District municipality's official website]
* [ Vize's official website]

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