Šimon Brixi

Šimon Brixi

Šimon Brixi (28 October, 1693 - 1735) was a Bohemian composer. He is the father of Frantisek Brixi.


He was born in Vlkava u Nymburka. In 1720 he began to study the laws in Prague. He didn´t complete studies, devoting himsef rather to music. [cite book |title=Magnificat. Partitura |last=Brixi |first=Šimon |authorlink= |coauthors=(Vincenc Straka, Vratislav Bělský (foreword)) |year=1997 |publisher=Editio Supraphon |location=Prague |isbn= |pages=p. VIII |url= ISMN M 2600-00081-0] His artistic activity was linked with the musical life in Prague. In 1727 Brixi accepted the position of teacher and choirmater at the "St. Martin Church" in the Old Town of Prague. The accurate date of his death is unknown, the registration of his funeral bears the date of 2 November, 1735.


His compositions were intended almost exclusively for a church choir. Only about 21 of his composition has been preserved. He wrote offertoria, gradualia, Regina Coeli, Salve Regina, requiem, litanies, Te Deum, and church cantatas. In some of his works Brixi also thematically elaborated folk spiritual music. He was also interested in Italian baroque music, some of his copies of Neapolitan church compositions are preserved in the church archive at Mělník. Brixi was also influenced by the church compositions of Jan Dismas Zelenka. He composed his works both on the Czech and Latin texts. [cs iconcite book |title=Hudební slovník pro každého II. |last=Vysloužil |first=Jiří |authorlink= |coauthors= |year=2001 |publisher=Lípa |location=Vizovice |isbn=80-86093-23-9 |pages= |url= , p. 54]


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