

A kiondo is a hand-woven handbag made from sisal with leather trimmings. It is indigenous to the Kikuyu and Kamba tribes of Kenya. These Kenyan weavers begin by stripping the Sisal plant's outer layers, leaving the plant still able to grow. The weaver uses threads from the pale colored layers, that have dried out for a day, to make a bag. A design pattern is finalized. The weaver then boils the threads to be used with water and dye sets the bag's colors. Now the weaving begins. Two single threads are twined to form one strong thread. Many such threads are woven. It is from these threads that a sisal bag is made. It takes between two to three weeks to complete a bag. Most weavers have to look after their households; therefore, weaving is done whenever they have the time. Sometimes small beads and shells are woven into the kiondo.

Kiondos are exported to western countries where they have been and continue to be quite popular.Fact|date=July 2007

The Swahili word for a kiondo is 'chondo,' plural 'vyondo'.

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