Robert Bowles

Robert Bowles

Robert Bowles is an American Karate teacher, 10th Degree black belt in Shuri-ryu karate, and one of the late Robert Trias' eight Chief instructors of the Shuri-Ryu system. Bowles was the seventeenth inductee into the Trias International Society and Founder/CEO and stylehead of the International Shuri-Ryu Association. Bowles has studied martial arts for over 35 years.

In 1972, Bowles was a member of the first United_States_National_Karate_Association team to tour Europe. Since then he has represented the United States on seven different world tours visiting the following countries: Okinawa, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, England, Germany, Scotland, France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Panama, and Venezuela.

Bowles was the first person in the history of the U.S.K.A. Grand Nationals to win the Triple Crown: 1st place in Kata, Kumite and Weapons in 1973. With tournament championships spanning over 25 years, he has won the title of U.S.K.A World Champion six times.

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