- Socialist Health Association
The Socialist Medical Association (now the Socialist Health Association) was founded in 1930, in order to campaign for a
National Health Service in theUnited Kingdom . It took in many of those who had been active in the State Medical Service Association. The Association was active in campaigns against NHS charges, smoking,tuberculosis and for adequate nutrition, for the estalishment ofhealth centre s and salariedgeneral practitioner s. It changed its name in 1980 to the "Socialist Health Association" to reflect increased interest inpublic health . It is associated with the campaigns against health inequality around the [http://www.sochealth.co.uk/history/black.htm Black Report] , and is a socialist society affiliated to the Labour Party.Dr. Charles Brook
A prominent member, the association's founder was Dr. Charles Brook (January 1901-Fall 1983), who also acted as the Honorable Secretary until 1938 [ [http://www.sochealth.co.uk/history/brooks.htm Title ] ] . Brook later would co-found the Spanish Medical Aid Committee in August 1936 and also found the Royal College of General Practitioners in 1952.
Other prominent members
Prominent members include or included:
*Christopher Addison, 1st Viscount Addison ;
*Prof John Ashton;
*John Baird MP;
*Fred Ballard;
*Prof George Black;
*Arthur Blenkinsop MP;
*Sir Albert Bore ;
*Aleck Bourne
*Dr Charles Brook ;
*Elizabeth Bunbury;
*LordRitchie Calder ;
*Sir Iain Chalmers;
*John Charlton;
*Richard Clitheroe MP;
*Prof Joe Collier;
*Dr L. Comyns MP;
*Tam Dalyell MP;
*Lawson Dodd;
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3826939.stm Sir Richard Doll] ;
*DrJohn Dunwoody MP;
*Dr Ida Fisher;
*Michael Foot MP;
*DrRobert Forgan MP;
*Dr Hugh Gainsborough;
*Dr Katy Gardner;
*Mair Garside;
*DrBrian Gibbons AM;
*Dr Ian Gilliland;
*Dr Sydney Gottlieb;
* Will Griffiths MP;
*Dr Leslie Haden-Guest MP;
*DrJulian Tudor Hart ;
*Somerville Hastings MP;
*Dianne Hayter ;
*Dr Leslie Hilliard;
*SirBenedict Hoskyns ;
*Lord Philip Hunt;
*Dr Francis Jarman;
*George Jeger MP;
*DrSanto Jeger MP;
*Dr Tony Jewell ;
*Dr Horace Joules;
*Dr Richard Kenchington;
*Dr David Kerr MP;
*SirDick Knowles ;
*Dr Joyce Leeson;
*Dr Henry H MacWilliam;
*Prof J.R.Marrack;
*Frederick Messer MP;
*DrMaurice Miller MP;
*DrH.B.Morgan MP
*Dr Hector Munro;
*David Stark Murray ;
*DrDoug Naysmith MP;
*Stanley Newens MEP;
*Dr Hugh Price;
*Dr Geoffrey Richman ;
*Miss Esther Rickards;
*DrV. H. Rutherford MP;
*DrAlfred Salter MP;
*Prof [http://www.asha-foundation.org/women/women/wendy_savage.php Wendy Savage] ;
*Dr. R.S.Saxton;
*Dr Sam Segal MP;
* [http://www.ucl.ac.uk/dph/staff&phdstudents/sheihambio.htm Prof Aubrey Sheiham] ;
*Dr G.B.Shirlaw;
*Dr Kenneth Sinclair-Loutit;
*Dr Richard Stone;
*DrBarnett Stross MP;
*DrEdith Summerskill MP;
*Dr [http://www.sochealth.co.uk/history/cyril.htm Cyril Taylor] ;
*Dr Stephen JL Taylor MP;
*Dr Oscar Tobin;
*Dr Alfred Welply
*Anne Weyman;
* [http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/cps/index.php?page= Professor Richard Wilkinson] ;See [http://www.sochealth.co.uk/history/WhyNHS.htm "Why a National Health Service"] , D Stark Murray. Pemberton Books 1971
External links
* [http://www.sochealth.co.uk/ Socialist Health Association website]
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