- List of environmental topics (E)
This is a list of environmental topics. They relate to the effect of human activity on the environment.
*(E-grass: see)
Miscanthus (see "biofuel" under Uses)
*E-waste (electronic waste)
*(E10: see)common alcohol fuel mixtures
*(E15: see)common alcohol fuel mixtures
*(E20: see)common alcohol fuel mixtures
*(E85: see)common alcohol fuel mixtures
*(E95: see)common alcohol fuel mixtures
*(E100: see)common alcohol fuel mixtures
*early uses of petroleum
*Earth Charter
*(earth dam)earthen dam
*Earth Day
*Earth Explorer
*Earth First! (environmental defense movement)
*Earth from the Air ("collection of environmental photographs")
*Earth house ("style for eco-friendly housing")
*(Earth Houses: see)souterrain ("type of underground structure")
*Earth immune system
*"Earth in the Balance " (book by Al Gore)
*Earth Rights Institute
*(Earth Satellite: see)satellite
*Earth science (geoscience) (the geosciences) (the Earth sciences)
*Earth sheltering
*Earth Simulator (ES) (in Japan) ("developed ... for climate simulation")
*Earth Summit (in 1992) (in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil)
*Earth Summit 2002 (in Johannesburg in South Africa)
*Earth-house - seedugout (shelter) (dug-out) (mud hut) ("a shelter dug out of the ground")
*Earthdive ("project ... to protect the ocean ecosystem")
*Earthjustice ("specializes in pro-environmental litigation")
*Earthlife Africa (a South African environmental organization)
*EarthSave ("vegan advocacy group")
*Earthwatch (environmental organization)
*Earthweek - A Diary of the Planet (syndicated newspaper column)
*(eating the Earth: see)ecophagy ("the consuming of an ecosystem")
*Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa New Zealand (formerly CoEnCo)
*Eco Books ("on-line bookstore featuring [ecological] books")
*Eco drive ("solar powered wrist watches")
*Eco-action (environmental group)
*Eco-capitalist (see same for "eco-business")
*Eco-defender - seeenvironmental security
*Eco-friendly - seeecology
*Eco-gastronomy - seeSlow Food
*eco-industrial park
*eco-san (ecological sanitation)
*(eco-syndicalism)green syndicalism
*ecoAuto -Canadian government fuel-efficient vehicle purchase incentive program
*ecocomposition (""theory of writing instruction that ... incorporates [goals] within an ecological view")
*ecocriticism ("the study of the relationship between the literature and the natural environment")
*EcoDuro , Inc. ("holds patents ... for its unique engineered paper pallets")
*(ecofact) biofact (in archaeology)
*Ecologic Foundation (based in New Zealand)
*(ecological and social indicator: see)Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)
*ecological anthropology
*(ecological breastfeeding: see)lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) (see under Breastfeeding Infertility) (affecting the dairy industry, which affects the environment)
*ecological burial
*(ecological catastrophe)environmental disaster
*(Ecological City Transportation System: see)Fuel Cell Bus Club (see under ECTOS)
*(ecological community)biocoenosis (biocoenose) (biocenose) (biotic community)
*ecological crisis (ecological disaster)
*(ecological daecological health
*(ecological deficit: see)natural capital (see paragraph 6)
*(ecological devastation: see)ecological health
*ecological economics
*ecological effects of biodiversity
*ecological effects of transgenic plants
*ecological energetics
*ecological engineering
*(ecological factor: see)ecology
*ecological footprint
*ecological funeral (promession)
*ecological genetics
*"Ecological Genetics"
*ecological health
*(ecological hotspot: see)biodiversity hotspot
*ecological humanities
*ecological imperialism
*(ecological imprint)ecological footprint
*Ecological Intelligent Design
*(ecological integrity)ecological health
*ecological land classification
*(ecological load: see)carrying capacity
*(ecological loss: see)ecological health
*ecological modernization
*(ecological morality)environmental ethics
*(ecological movement)ecology movement
*ecological psychology (EP) ("the study of human behavior and its environment")
*(ecological restoration: see)restoration ecology
*ecological sanitation
*Ecological Society of America (ESA)
*ecological wisdom
*Ecology Functional Groups
*ecology movement
*(econazi: see)eco-terrorism
*economic vegetarianism
*economics of biodiversity
*economics of global warming
*ecophagy ("the consuming of an ecosystem")
*ecopoiesis ("the origin of an ecosystem")
*EcoQuest ("a series of educational adventure games")
*ecoregion (see alsolist of ecoregions )
*(ecoregion PA0906: see)Tigris-Euphrates river system
*(ecoregion PA1303: see)
*(ecoregion PA1314: see)Gobi Desert
*ecoregion conservation status
*(ecoregional democracy: see)bioregional democracy
*ecoregions in Australia
*ecoregions in India
*ecoregions of Japan
*ecoregions of Madagascar
*ecoregions of New Zealand
*ecoregions in the Philippines
*"ECOS " - conservation journal
*ecosophy (ecophilosophy)
*(ecosphere [ecology] : see)biosphere (see paragraph 3)
*ecosphere (education)
*(ecosynthesis: see)planetary ecosynthesis ("the making of a home for life on a planetary scale")
*ecosystem diversity
*ecosystem ecology
*ecosystem engineer
*ecosystem services
*ecosystem valuation
*"Ecotage! " - book
*Ecotopia : The Notebooks and Reports of William Weston (book)
*ecotopian fiction
*ecovillage (see alsolist of ecovillages )
*Ecovillage Training Center (in Tennessee in the US)
*Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) (decade designated by the UN)
*Effective Cycling ("cycling educational program")
*effective population size (in population genetics)
*effects of Christmas on the environment
*effects of global warming
*effects of the automobile on societies (see under Environmental changes)
*efficient energy use
*(electric bicycle: see)motorized bicycle (see under Environmental effects)
*electric bicycle laws
*(electric energy meter)electricity meter
*electromagnetic environment (EME)
*(electromagnetic interference [EMI] : see)Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
*electromagnetic interference control
*electronic pest control
*Electronic Road Pricing (ERP)
*electronic waste ("e-waste") ("Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment") ("WEEE")
*Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003 (EWRA) (in California in the US)
*Electronic Waste Recycling Fee (in California in the US)
*electrostatic precipitator (ESP) (electrostatic air cleaner)
*Elephant Sanctuary, Hohenwald (in Tennessee in the US)
*(EM radiation)electromagnetic radiation
*emission factor
*Emission Reduction Unit (ERU) (involving greenhouse gases)
*(emission security: see)TEMPEST ("limiting electric or electromagnetic radiation")
*emission standard
*emission trading
*Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential
*endangered Australian fauna
*endangered species (see alsolist of endangered species andlist of endangered species in the British Isles andlist of endangered species in the US andlist of endangered species in Vietnam )
*Endangered Species Act (ESA) (in the US)
*(energy analysis: see)life cycle energy analysis
*Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC) (in North Dakota in the US)
*energy conservation
*energy demand management
*energy economics (see under Environment vs. Economy and under Energy collapse)
*energy efficiency (in physics and in engineering)
*(energy efficiency class: see)EU energy label
*(energy efficient building: see)green building
*(energy efficient house: see)green building
*energy harvesting
*Energy Hog (energy conservation mascot)
*Energy Information Administration (EIA) (part of US Department of Energy)
*energy intensity ("a measure of the energy efficiency of a nation's economy")
*(energy label: see)EU energy label
*energy management system (EMS)
*(energy resource: see)energy conversion (see alsolist of energy resources )
*(energy saving: see)energy conservation
*Energy Star (US government program to promote energy-efficient consumer products)
*energy use and conservation in the United Kingdom
*English Nature (government agency in the UK)
*(environment [biology] : see)ecology (ecological science)
*Environment 2004
*Environment Act 1986 (New Zealand)
*Environment Act 1995 (in the UK)
*Environment Agency (of England and Wales)
*Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa New Zealand (ECO) (previously CoEnCo)
*Environment and Heritage Service (in the UK)
*Environment Campus Birkenfeld (branch of a university in Germany)
*(Environment Canada)Department of the Environment (Canada)
*Environment Hawaii (monthly newsletter)
*environment of China
*(Environment Secretary)Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (in the UK)
*Environment Victoria (NGO in Australia)
*Environment Wales (partnership of voluntary organisations)
*environmental accounting
*(environmental activist: see)environmentalist
*environmental agreement
*(environmental alarmism: see)alarmism
*Environmental and Social Studies (ESS)
*environmental archaeology
*(environmental assessment: see)environmental impact assessment (EIA)
*environmental audits
*environmental benefits of vegetarianism
*environmental biotechnology
*(environmental change: see)climate change
*Environmental Change Network (ECN) (in the UK)
*environmental chemistry
*(Environmental Cleaners' Company: see)Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners (in the UK)
*environmental concerns with electricity generation
*(environmental conservation: see)conservation movement
*environmental consulting
*(environmental contaminant: see)pollution
*Environmental Control System (of an airplane)
*Environmental Defense (formerly, Environmental Defense Fund [EDF] ) (based in the US)
*(environmental degradation: see)environmental disaster
*environmental design
*environmental determinism (see alsoclimatic determinism [equatorial paradox] )
*environmental economics
*(environmental education: see) environment (see alsolist of environmental studies topics )
*environmental effects of fishing
*environmental effects on physiology
*environmental engineering
*environmental ethics
*environmental factor
*environmental finance
*(environmental genomics)metagenomics (community genomics)
*environmental geography
*environmental geology
*environmental gradient
*(environmental group: see)environmentalism
*environmental hazard
*environmental health
*(environmental health hazard: see)list of environmental health hazards
*environmental history
*(environmental illness: see)multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) (also called "20th century syndrome")
*environmental impact assessment (EIA)
*Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (in California in the US)
*Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (in the UK)
*(environmental issues: see)environmentalism (see alsolist of environmental issues )
*environmental journalism
*environmental justice
*(environmental lapse rate: see)adiabatic lapse rate
*environmental law
*Environmental Law Service (ELS) (a Czech non-governmental organization)
*Environmental Life Force (ELF) ("radical group" in the US)
*environmental management
*environmental management scheme
*Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML) (owned and operated by the US government)
*environmental medicine (clinical ecology)
*(environmental mitigation: see)environmental engineering
*Environmental Modeling Center (EMC)
*(environmental modification: see)Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD Convention) (international treaty)
*environmental movement
*environmental movement in New Zealand
*environmental movement in the United States
*(environmental noise)noise (environmental)
*(environmental organization: see)list of environmental organizations
*Environmental policy
*(environmental protection: see)environmental movement
*(Environmental Protection Agency: see)United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (USEPA) (in the US)
*environmental protection in Japan
*environmental psychology (see under Impact on the Built Environment)
*Environmental Quality Improvement Act
*environmental racism
*(environmental regulation)environmental law
*(Environmental Research Center: see)Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) (in the US)
*environmental resistance
*environmental restoration
*(environmental rights: see)environmentalism
*Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA) (in New Zealand)
*(environmental satellite: see)Earth observation satellite
*environmental science
*environmental security
*environmental skepticism
*environmental sociology
*environmental standard
*environmental studies
*environmental suit
*Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)
*Environmental Tax
*environmental technology
*Environmental Technology Laboratory (ETL)
*(environmental tourism)ecotourism
*Environmental Toxins and Fetal Development
*Environmental Transport Association (in the UK)
*environmental vandalism
*environmental vegetarianism
*(environmentalism and George W. Bush: see)George W. Bush (see under Energy and the environment)
*environmentally friendly
*Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) (in the UK)
*Environmentally Sensitive Areas Scheme (in the UK)
*environmentology (environmental science)
*(envirosecurity: see)environmental security
*Envirothon (high school competition) (in North America)
*Envisat (Environmental Satellite) (built by the European Space Agency)
*(EPA) (Environmental Protection Agency: see)United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (in the US)
*EPA 2004 fuel economy report appendix M2
*EPA 2004 fuel economy report appendix M2 (Ton Mile)
*Epcot (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) (in Florida) ("a utopian city of the future")
*(eructation)burping (belching) (ructus) (see "greenhouse effect" under In animals)
*ESA Space Debris Telescope
*ethanol (data page)
*(ethanol fuel: see)alcohol fuel
*ethical consumerism (ethical purchasing) (ethical shopping) (see same for "ethical sourcing")
*(ethical tourism: see)ecotourism
*Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI)
*ethics of vegetarianism
*ethnobotany ("the study of the relationship between plants and people")
*ethylmercury (ethyl mercury) ("toxic and bioaccumulative")
*(EU biotechnology patents directive of 1998)directive on the patentability of biotechnological inventions
*EU energy label
*EU-Eco-regulation ("on organic production of agricultural products")
*European Academy of Environmental Affairs
*European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization
*European Bioinformatics Institute
*European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) (Association Européenne pour la Biomasse)
*European Climate Change Programme
*European Cyclists' Federation
*European Ecological Federation
*European emission standards (for motor vehicles)
*European Environment Agency
*European Federation for Transport and Environment
*European Nuclear Disarmament
*European Nuclear Disarmament Journal
*European Remote-Sensing Satellite
*EuroVelo ("the European cycle route network")
*EverLife Flashlight ("uses no batteries or bulbs")
*(excessive lighting: see)light pollution
*excreted drug s
*exotic pollution
*(exotic species)introduced species
*(Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow)Epcot (in Florida) ("a utopian city of the future")
*exploding tree
*exploding whale
*"Exploring the Earth and the Cosmos " (book)
*Expo '74 (in Washington state in the US) ("environmentally themed World's Fair")
*(Expo '93)Taejŏn Expo '93 (in South Korea) ("sub-themes around sustainable and 'green' development")
*Expo '98 (in Lisbon in Portugal) (theme: "The Oceans: A Heritage for the Future")
*Expo 2000 (in Hanover in Germany) (motto: "Man, Nature, Technology")
*Expo 2005 (east of Nagoya in Japan) (theme: "Nature's Wisdom")
*Expo 2008 (in Zaragoza in Spain) (theme: "Water and sustainable development")
*extensive farming (extensive agriculture)
*Extermination - seepest control
*extinct Australian animals
*extinct birds
*extinction (in biology and ecology)
*extirpation (local extinction)
*Exxon Valdez oil spill (in the US)
*Eyemouth Disaster (in 1881) (in Scotland in the UK)
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