- List of environmental topics (B)
This is a list of environmental topics. They relate to the effect of human activity on the environment.
B-Reactor ("plutonium production reactor") (in Washington state in the US)
*Bachelor of Environmental Studies
*Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline (see under Environment)
*balance of nature
*Bali Communiqué (involving climate change)
*Bali roadmap (involving climate change)
*Bambi Effect
*Banksia Environmental Foundation (in Australia)
*Basel Convention (Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal) (in force from 1992)
*bees and toxic chemicals (about effects ofpesticides andethanol onbees , and about bee production of toxichoney )
*beetle bank (in agriculture)
*Bering Sea Arbitration (closing a fishery dispute) (see "protection of the fur seal" in paragraph 2)
*(Bern Convention [conservation] : see)Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (in force from
*Bhopal disaster (in 1984) (in India)
*bicycle trailers
*bicycling in Chicago (in the US)
*Big Five Game (large mammals of Africa)
*Big Green Gathering (in the UK)
*big-box store
*bike lane debate
*Bikini atomic experiments
*(Bikini atomic tests: see)Operation Crossroads
*BioBlitz ("24-hour inventory")
*(BioCheck [TM] Powder Screening Test Kit: see)hazardous powders testing kit
*biochemical engineering (see "water treatment" in preamble)
*biochemical oxygen demand (biological oxygen demand) (BOD)
*Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005 (in the US)
*(biodegradability of polymers: see)plastic (see under The environment, especially under Biodegradable Plastics)
*biodegradability prediction
*biodiesel processor
*biodiesel production
*biodiesel recipe
*biodiversity (biological diversity)
*Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP)
*biodiversity hotspot
*biodiversity of New Caledonia
*biodiversity of New Zealand
*(biodome: see)Montreal Biodome (in Canada)
*biodynamic agriculture (biodynamic farming)
*biodynamic wine
*bioethics (see paragraph 1 under Definition and scope)
*biofouling (biological fouling)
*(biognosis)bionics (biomimetics) (biomimicry)
*"Biohazard " (about Soviet biological weapon program)
*BioHome ("a small facility created by NASA")
*biointensive ("an organic agricultural system")
*(bioinvader: see)invasive species
*biological agent
*(biological corridor)wildlife corridor
*biological dispersal
*Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (in Brazil)
*biological engineering (biosystems engineering) (bioengineering)
*biological fuel cell
*biological hazard (biohazard)
*(biological oxygen demand)biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
*biological pest control
*biological warfare (germ warfare)
*Biological Wastewater Processor (built by NASA)
*Biological Weapons Convention (Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological [Biological] and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction) (BWC)
*(biomass fuel)biofuel
*(biomass gas)biogas (digester gas) (swamp gas) (marsh gas)
*biomass gasification
*biomass to liquid (BTL)
*Biomedical Primate Research Centre (BPRC) (in the Netherlands)
*Biopreparat (in the USSR) (organization comprising all biological weapons programs)
*bioregional democracy (bioregional state)
*BIOS - Biological Innovation for Open Society (BiOS) (in biotechnology)
*biosafety level
*Biosafety protocol - seeCartagena Protocol on Biosafety
*biosecurity protocol
*Biosphere 2 ("a manmade closed ecological system") (in Arizona in the US)
*biosphere reserve (see also lists of biosphere reserves under List of B inlist of environmental topics lists )
*biosphere reserves of India
*biostatistics (see under Applications of biostatistics)
*(Biotech Directive 98/44/EC)directive on the patentability of biotechnological inventions
*biotechnology (see alsolist of biotechnology companies )
*Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (in the UK)
*bioturbation (see "nuclear weapon testing" under Modelling bioturbation)
*BioWillie (a company producing a biodiesel fuel)
*blue ice (aircraft)
*Boise greenbelt (in Idaho in the US)
*Bonn Agreement (environment)
*bottled water
*bottom fishing
*bottom trawling
*Breeding Bird Survey
*Brent Spar (Brent E) (an oil storage and tanker loading buoy)
*Brihanmumbai Storm Water Disposal System (planned) (in Mumbai in India)
*British Association of Nature Conservationists (BANC)
*British Ecological Society (BES)
*(British Natural History Museum: see)Natural History Museum
*British Naturalists' Association
*(British Nuclear Fuels plc)BNFL
*British nuclear tests at Maralinga (in Australia)
*British Society for Ecological Medicine
*British Trust for Conservation Volunteers
*British Wind Energy Association
*brominated flame-retardant
*Buffalo Commons
*buffer zone
*Buglife - The Invertebrate Conservation Trust (in the UK)
*built environment
*Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (in the US)
*(Bureau of Reclamation: see)United States Bureau of Reclamation (formerly the United States Reclamation Service)
*bush regeneration ("practiced in Australia")
*business action on climate change
*Buy Nothing Day (see "wasteful consumption habits" in paragraph 1)
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