USS Ticonderoga

USS Ticonderoga

The ships named USS "Ticonderoga" commemorate the capture of Fort Ticonderoga on 10 May 1775 by Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys.

US Navy vessels

*The first USS|Ticonderoga|1814 was a 17-gun schooner of Commodore Thomas Macdonough's flotilla in the victorious Battle of Lake Champlain on 11 September 1814. It was in service from 1814 to 1825.

*The second USS|Ticonderoga|1863 was a steam sloop-of-war which served with distinction during the American Civil War. It was in commission from 1863 to 1881.

*The third USS|Ticonderoga|1918 was a former German cargo ship that served the Naval Overseas Transportation Service during World War I in 1917 and 1918.

*The fourth USS|Ticonderoga|CV-14 was a long-hull "Essex"-class fleet aircraft carrier which served from 1944 to 1973, earning 17 battle stars for service during World War II and the Vietnam War.

*The fifth USS|Ticonderoga|CG-47 was a guided-missile cruiser and lead ship of her class. Launched in 1981, she was decommissioned on September 30, 2004

Fictional USS "Ticonderogas:

* CVN-87 Ticonderoga Submersible Carrier from the fictional world of Rifts. [ [ CVN-87 Ticonderoga Submersible Carrier ] ]
* NCC-74676 USS Ticonderoga is a Star Trek Fan Club founded October 25, 1997 in Utah for members of the Seventh Fleet living in the Ogden through Layton areas.
* A fictional fleet battle station in the 1997 film Starship Troopers was named Ticonderoga.
* A fictional Proxima class starship in the video game for the PC and Xbox 360.


[ Star Trek Fan Club of USS Ticonderoga]

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