- Zebra-tailed lizard
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regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
ordo =Squamata
subordo =Iguania
familia =Phrynosomatidae
genus = "Callisaurus"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.Zebra-tailed lizards live in open desert with fairly hard-packed soil, scattered vegetation and scattered rocks, typically desert flats, washes and plains. They range from 2.5 to 4 inches (60–100 mm) in length.These lizards are grey to sandy brown, usually with series of paired dark gray spots down the back, becoming black bands on the tail. The underside of tail is white with black bands. Males have a pair of black blotches on the side, extending to blue patches on the belly. Females have no blue patches, and the black bars are either faint or completely absent.
They are diurnal and alert. They rise early and are active in all but the hottest weather. During the hottest times of day, lizards may stand alternately on two legs, switching to the opposite two as needed in a kind of dance. When threatened they will run swiftly with their toes curled up and tails raised over their backs exposing the stripes. They can even run on their hind legs for short distances. In areas of creosote scrub this lizard seems to reach highest densities, around 4.8 to 6.0 individuals per acre (600 to 800 m² per lizard). This lizard burrows into fine sand for retreat at night and usually seeks day shelter in the shade of bushes.
In summer, 2 to 8 eggs are typically laid, hatching anywhere from July to November. However, more than 1 clutch can be laid during a season. Eggs are laid, presumably, in friable, sandy
soil . Being a prey species for many animals, including birds, other lizards, andmammal s, they have a fairly high reproductive potential.It feeds on a variety of prey from
insect s, such asmoth s,ant s andbee s, as well asspider s and other smallerlizard s. Its diet occasionally includes vegetation, such as spring buds andflower s.The zebra-tailed lizard is common and widely distributed throughout the southwestern United States, ranging from the Mojave and
Colorado deserts north into the southernGreat Basin .Genus "Callisaurus"
*"Callisaurus draconoides"
There are numerous
subspecies , listed below.* Bogert's Zebra-tailed Lizard, "
Callisaurus draconoides bogerti "
* Short-footed Zebra-tailed Lizard, "Callisaurus draconoides brevipes "
* Carmen Island Zebra-tailed Lizard, "Callisaurus draconoides carmenensis "
* Viscaino Zebra-tailed Lizard, "Callisaurus draconoides crinitus "
* Common Zebra-tailed Lizard, "Callisaurus draconoides draconoides "
* Sonoran Zebra-tailed Lizard, "Callisaurus draconoides inusitanus "
* Nevada Zebra-tailed Lizard, "Callisaurus draconoides myurus "
* Mojave Zebra-tailed Lizard, "Callisaurus draconoides rhodostictus "
* Angel Island Zebra-tailed Lizard, "Callisaurus draconoides splendidus "References
*ITIS|ID=173906|taxon=Callisaurus draconoides|year=2006|date=6 February
* "National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Reptiles and Amphibians". Knopf, Chanticleer Press Ed edition, (1979). ISBN 0-394-50824-6
* Halliday, Tim and O'Shea, Mark; "Smithsonian Handbooks: Reptiles and Amphibians". Dorling Kindersley Publishing (2002). ISBN 0-7894-9393-4
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.