

A forester is a person who practices forestry, the science and profession of managing forests. Foresters engage in a broad range of activities including timber harvesting, ecological restoration and management of protected areas. What these fields have in common is they manage terrestrial natural resource for the benefit of humans. Foresters manage forests to provide a variety of benefits for humans including direct extraction of raw material, recreation, conservation, hunting and, aesthetics, as well as the less tangible benefits such as clean air and improved water, and others.

A forester is also a title used widely during Medieval times. The Forester usually held a position equal to a sheriff or local law enforcer. He was responsible for patrolling the woodlands on a lord or noble's property. His duties included negotiating deals for the sale of lumber and timber and to stop poachers from illegally killing animals in the forest. Many times wanted criminals would flee their arrest warrants and seek the safety of hiding in a forest. When this would occur it was the duty of the Forester to organize roving gangs of armed men to flush out the criminal and capture him. Often Foresters held titles of prominence in their local communities and also acted as barristers and arbitrators. Their pay was usually above average and they could stand to make a decent and profitable living.

Many people confuse the role of the forester with that of the logger or the lumberjack, but most foresters are concerned not only with the harvest of timber, but also with the wise management of forests to (in the words of Gifford Pinchot) "provide the greatest good for the greatest number in the long term". Another notable forester, Jack Westoby, remarked that "forestry is concerned not with trees, but with how trees can serve people".



The average salary of foresters in the United States in 2002, was $46,000.Fact|date=June 2008 Beginning foresters with bachelor's degrees make considerably less. Those with master's degrees are able to command salaries closer to the average.

Usually a bachelor's degree is considered the minimum education required, but some individuals are able to secure a job without a college education based on their years of experience. Some states have a licensing requirement for foresters and most of those require at least a 4 year degree from a college.

United Kingdom

Salaries for newly qualified foresters start in the region of £24,000 (2007). Education to Bachelor's degree standard is normally required.

Notable foresters

*Dietrich Brandis (1824-1907)
*Aimo Cajander (1879-1943)
*Carl von Carlowitz
*Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683)
*John Evelyn (1620-1706)
*Bernhard Fernow (1851-1923)
*Georg Ludwig Hartig (1764-1837)
*Norman Jolly (1882-1954)
*Hamish Kimmins
*Aldo Leopold (1887-1948)
*Tim McKay (1947-2006)
*Gifford Pinchot (1865-1946)
*Christian Ditlev Frederik, Count Reventlow (1748-1827)
*Roy Robinson, 1st Baron Robinson (1883-1952)
*Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958)
*Carl A. Schenck (1868-1955)
*Sir William P.D. Schlich (1840-1925)
*Israel af Ström (1778-1856)
*Jack Westoby
*Dr. Harry V. Wiant
*Raphael Zon (1874-1956)

External links

Notable forestry institutions
* [ the Center for International Forestry Research]
* [ the International Union of Forest Research Organizations]
* [ FAO Forestry Department]
* [ The National Forest (England)]
* [ Forestry Commission (Great Britain)]
* [ The Society of American Foresters (USA)]

ee also

*Forestry Commission
*list of environment topics
*list of conservation topics
*Subaru Forester
*Fraternal Forestry

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