Pink elephant

Pink elephant

Pink elephant may refer to:
*"Seeing pink elephants", a euphemism for drunken hallucination that originates from the novel John Barleycorn by Jack London. [ [ "pink"] Online Etymological Dictionary]
*"Pink Elephant", a song by Cherry Poppin' Daddies from the album "Rapid City Muscle Car"
*Pink Elephants on Parade, a segment from the animated film "Dumbo"
*Pink Elephant (club), a nightclub in Chelsea, Manhattan
*"Pink Elephants", a 1997 rock album by Mick Harvey
*In American politics, a "Pink elephant" may refer to a gay supporter of the Republican Party, [ [ "Riding the Pink Elephant"] by Stephen H. Miller, Independent Gay Forum] , in reference to the use of an elephant as the party's mascot symbol.
* Pink Elephants are the unnecessary negatives that clutter conversation and meaning, according to a book on personal communication by Bill McFarlan. [cite book
last = McFarlan
first = Bill
authorlink = Bill McFarlan
title = Drop the Pink Elephant
publisher = Capstone Publishing Limited
year = 2004
isbn = 1-84112-637-3


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