- Gjon Buzuku
Gjon Buzuku (16th century) was an
Albania n Catholicclergy man who wrote the first known printed book in Albanian.Gjon Buzuku was born in the village of Ljare (Kraja) in Bar, Montenegro close to Northern Albania (Kraje is located on the shores of Lake Scutari). He probably lived in or near
Venice . There are claims that he was thebishop of twodiocese s in north Albania or that he was amonk .From
March 20 ,1554 toJanuary 5 ,1555 he wrote a translation of the Catholicmissal into theGheg dialect of Albanian. He published it as a book of 188 pages. The Apostolic Library in the Vatican holds the only known copy of the book. It is missing thefrontispiece and the first 16 pages, which explains why the title and year of publication of the work are not known.The book was discovered in 1740 by
Gjon Nikollë Kazazi , the Albanianarchbishop of Skopje. In other libraries there are three photocopies from the original, one of them inTirana . In 1996, the librarians were not able to locate the book, which had been used in 1984 for the last time.Eqrem Çabej wrote a monograph on the book in 1968.The place the book was printed is thought to be either
Venice orShkodër .The book contains the liturgies of the main
holiday s. There are also texts of prayers and rituals and catechetical texts. Every page contains two columns. The initials are decorated. The grammar and the vocabulary are more archaic than in the Gheg text from the 17th century. The text is very valuable from the viewpoint of the history of language. The vocabulary is quite rich. The archaic text is easily read due to the circumstance that it is mainly a translation of known texts, in particular theBible . Most of the Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John were translated in the book. It also contains passages from thePsalm s, theBook of Isaiah , theBook of Jeremiah , the Letters to the Corinthians, and many illustrations.The
orthography is peculiar. TheLatin alphabet with some additional letters is used. The consequent character of orthography and grammar seems to indicate an earlier tradition of writing.In Albanian, the book is known as "Meshari" ("The Missal"). All we know about the author is from the book's colophon written by Buzuku himself in Albanian. Language used is a pre-runner to the Official Gheg Albanian Language. However, it is clear that the dialect of Malësia e Madhe (The Great Highland) was used. Even today one can hear words and expressions from Malësia older people that sound as if jumping from the pages of the missal.
External links
* [http://www.shkoder.net/en/buzuku.htm The colophon in English]
* [http://www.albasoul.com/letersia/Doreshkrime/meshari.htm The colophon in Albanian]
* [http://titus.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/etcs/alban/buzuku/buzuk.htm?buzuk001.htm The whole text in Albanian]
* [http://www.albanianliterature.com/html/authors/images/buzuku.html A page from the book]
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