

Whittaker is a surname and given name, and may refer to:
* Charles Evans Whittaker (1901–1973), associate justice of the U.S. Supreme court from 1957 to 1962
* David Whittaker (born 1957), computer game programmer
* E. T. Whittaker (1873–1956), English mathematician
* Gavin Whittaker, Canadian politician
* Jack Whittaker (Canadian politician), Canadian politician
* Jack Whittaker (lottery winner) (born 1947), American US$315 million lottery winner
* Jim Whittaker (born 1929), American mountaineer, first American to summit Mount Everest (1963), twin brother of Lou
* John Whittaker (born 1945), British member of the European Parliament
* John Avery Whittaker, fictional character in the "Adventures in Odyssey" radio series
* Johnson Chesnut Whittaker, a 19th century West Point student and victim of assault.
* Lou Whittaker (born 1929), American mountaineer, high-altitude and glacier-travel guide, twin brother of Jim
* Maria Whittaker (born 1969), a topless model.
* Rebecca Whittaker, Canadian politician
* Robert Harding Whittaker (1920–1980), American vegetation ecologist
* Roger Whittaker (born 1936), British singer/songwriter and musician
* Sally Whittaker (born 1963), British soap opera actress
* Steven Whittaker (born 1984), British footballer
* Tom Whittaker (footballer) (1898–1956), English football player, trainer, and manager
* Tom Whittaker (mountaineer) (born 1948), mountaineer, first disabled person to summit Mount Everest
* Whittaker Chambers (1901–1961), American writer, witness in Alger Hiss espionage case

ee also

* Whittaker's, a chocolate candy concern.
* Whittaker and Watson, a mathematics book, "A Course of Modern Analysis".
* Whittaker function, a mathematical function, the confluent hypergeometric function
* Whitaker

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  • Whittaker Chambers — Jay Vivian „Whittaker“ Chambers (* 1. April 1901 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; † 9. Juli 1961 in Westminster, Maryland) war ein US amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Redakteur, sowie kommunistischer Agent und Informant. Er war Repräsentant des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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