

name = Ensata

caption = The interface of the Ensata emulator
developer = Intelligent Systems
latest_release_version = 1.4e
latest_release_date = March 16, 2007
operating system = Windows
genre = Emulator
license = Developers Only
website = http://www.intsys.co.jp/english/

Ensata is an official Nintendo DS emulator provided to developers in NDS development kits.

So far Ensata has emulated the ARM7 and ARM9 dual screen processor at 100% with some software exceptions. The touch screen is fully emulated with a cursor and works with a keyboard.

Ensata is a cycle accurate emulator, and is designed for testing games which are in development, and not for general game play.

Emulator Status

* ARM 946ES
* 3D Graphics
* Geometry
* Geometry engine processes are implemented with a process time of zero.
* Coordinate values during calculation overflow differ greatly from the production unit.
* Counter values for Polygon List RAM/Vertex RAM overflow do not update (updates will occur on the production unit)
* Specifications for polygon auto sort on the Nintendo DS system is not implemented
* Software Rendering
* All features implemented. (However, differences in the image may exist.)

System Requirements

Minimum PC System Requirements for Ensata Nintendo DS emulator.

Supported PC:
* Intel Pentium (Or compatible) Processor
* At least 256 MB of RAM
* Video Board that supports DirectX9 (when using the D3D Rendering Feature)

Supported OS:
* Windows XP/2000 (Service Pack 4 + IE6)

Required Runtime:
* DirectX8 or higher (when using only DirectInput or DirectSound)
* DirectX9 or higher (when using Direct3D in addition to the above)

Required Devices:
* Mouse
* DirectInput-compatible Game Pad
* Note: The keyboard can be used in place of the game pad if there is no game pad available.

Use in Emulation

Ensata version 1.3c was leaked to the emulation community by an unknown source and cracked by SMT group to operate without a Nintendo Developer account.

More recently, the 1.4d version has been leaked and also cracked by EXPERiENCE group, and it is considered to be, by the community, the only 'legal' emulator, despite its unlicensed use.

External links

* [http://www.nintendo.com Nintendo.com]
* [http://www.warioworld.com/ Nintendo Software Development Support Group Home Page]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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