SRE can refer to:

In organizations:
*"Sancta Romana Ecclesia (S.R.E.)", the College of Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church
*Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, the foreign ministry of Mexico.
*Swinging Radio England, a former commercial pirate radio station
*Sempra Energy, a company with New York Stock Exchange symbol SRE
*Society of Reliability Engineers, a professional organization for reliability engineers

In science and technology:
*The NIST [ Speaker Recognition Evaluation] series, whose goal is to contribute to the direction of research efforts and the calibration of technical capabilities of text-independent speaker recognition.
*Space Capsule Recovery Experiment, an Indian satellite
*Sodium Reactor Experiment, a former US experimental nuclear power plant at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory

In transportation:
*Juana Azurduy de Padilla International Airport, in Sucre, Bolivia, which has IATA airport code SRE
*Saharanpur station, an Indian railway station with Indian railway code SRE
*Stranraer Harbour (Ship), a UK railway station with UK railway station code SRE

In other:
*Solar Realms Elite, a multi-player game
*Seychellois rupee, the currency of the the Seychelles
*Sre, a Bahnaric language

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