- Basal forebrain
Infobox Brain
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Caption = The Basal Forebrain
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MeshNumber =The basal forebrain is a collection of structures located ventrally to the striatum. It is considered to be the major cholinergic output of the CNS.
This structure defined - in part - as the place where
adenosine acts onA1 receptors ofcholinergic neurons resulting in hyperpolarization of these neurons. Thus they inhibit the release ofacetylcholine from these neurons. Acetylcholine is known to promote wakefulness in the basal forebrain. Inhibition of acetylcholine release in the basal forebrain by adenosine causesslow wave sleep .The basal forebrain and apposing areas are a focus for sleep research. Stimulating the basal forebrain gives rise toEEG sychrony and sleep. It is located near thesub-arachnoidal space.The basal forebrain includes a group of structures that lie near the bottom of the front of the brain, including the
nucleus basalis ,diagonal band ,medial septum andsubstantia innominata . These structures are important in the production of a brain chemical called acetylcholine, which is then distributed widely throughout the brain.Acetylcholine affects the ability of brain cells to transmit information to one another, and also encourages plasticity, or learning. Thus, damage to the basal forebrain can reduce the amount of acetylcholine in the brain and impair learning. This may be one reason why basal forebrain damage can result in memory impairments such as amnesia and confabulation. One common cause of basal forebrain damage is aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery. [ [http://www.memorylossonline.com/glossary/basalforebrain.html Memory Loss & the Brain ] ] Research, conducted by investigators fromChildren's Hospital Boston and theUniversity of Helsinki , ties together previous observations about sleep and finds thatnitric oxide production in the basal forebrain is both necessary and sufficient to producesleep . [ [http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/09/060908094456.htm Need To Pull An All-nighter? Reducing Nitric Oxide Gas In The Brain May Help Us Stay Awake ] ]References
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