Ahmad Javad

Ahmad Javad

Ahmad Javad (1892 - October 13, 1937) was an Azerbaijani poet. He is best known for composing Azerbaijan's national anthem, Azərbaycan Respublikasının Dövlət Himni and another poem named Çırpınırdı Qaradəniz.


Ahmad Javad Akhundzade was born in 1892. He became member of Musavat Party in 1918, and from 1920 to 1923 he was a member of the Central Committee Musavat, for which he was arrested in 1923 and later freed. He was a leader of the Musavat Literature Union called Yashil Galamlar. He was later arrested by the Soviet regime and executed on October 13, 1937, accused of trying to infuse the Musavat spirit of nationalism and independence into young Azerbaijani poets. [Sharifov, Azad (1998). [http://azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/61_folder/61_articles/61_poetjavad.html "Reviving the Memory of Silenced Voices, Ahmad Javad - Poet,"] "Azerbaijan International", 6(1), Spring 1998.]


See also

* by this author on Wikisource.

External links

* [http://el.ans.az/index.php?/weblog/more/399hm601d_cavad_qirmizi_s304yahi Biography (Azeri)]

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