John Beebe

John Beebe

John Beebe, M.D., (born June 24, 1939, in Washington, DC) is a Jungian analyst in practice in San Francisco. He received degrees from Harvard College and the University of Chicago medical school. He is a past President of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, where he is currently on the teaching faculty, as well as Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California Medical School, San Francisco. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association .

A popular lecturer in the Jungian world, Dr. Beebe has spoken on topics related to the theory and practical applications of analytical psychology to professional and lay audiences throughout the United States as well as in Canada, China, Denmark, England, France, Italy, Germany, Israel, Mexico, and Switzerland. Dr. Beebe is the Founding Editor of "The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal", a quarterly of reviews with an international readership, and he was the first American co-editor of the London-based "Journal of Analytical Psychology".

He has also published in "The Chiron Clinical Series", "Dream Time", "Fort Da", "Harvest", "The Inner Edge", "Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice", "Psychoanalytic Psychology", "Psychological Perspectives", "The Psychoanalytic Review", "Quadrant", "Spring", "The Journal of Popular Film and Television", "Theory and Psychology", "Tikkun", "Voices", and "Writing on the Edge". He has contributed book chapters to "The Anne Rice Reader", "The Cambridge Companion to Jung", "Jungian Analysis", "New Approaches to Dream Interpretation", "Post-Jungians Today", "Soul Moments", "The Psychology of Mature Spirituality", "The Soul of Popular Culture", and "The Vision Thing".

With Donald Sandner, he is the author ofPsychopathology and Analysis,” an article on Jungian complex theory used in many training programs, and with Thomas Kirsch and Joe Cambray the author ofWhat Freudians Can Learn from Jung.” Dr. Beebe is the author of the book "Integrity in Depth," a study of the archetype of integrity.

An avid film buff, Beebe frequently draws upon American movies to illustrate how the various types of consciousness and unconsciousness interact to produce images of Self and shadow in the stories of our lives that Jung called individuation. Dr. Beebes reviews and articles about movies have reached a wide audience. He can be seen discussing film in the award-winning documentaryThe Wisdom of the Dream.” Among his better-known papers areThe Anima in Film,” “Attitudes Toward the Unconscious,” “The Fathers Anima as a Clinical and as a Symbolic Problem,” “On Male Partnership,” “Primary Ambivalence Toward the Self: Its Nature and Treatment,” “Psychological Types in Transference, Counter-transference and the Therapeutic Interaction,” “Toward a Jungian Analysis of Character,” andThe Trickster in the Arts.”

Beebe is particularly interested in the way an understanding of our typology can foster the development of the capacity to take responsibility for our impact on others. Following up on Jung's theory of psychological types, Beebe developed an of a dialogical self wherein conscious functions contend with functions in the shadow. A person's superior (preferred] function is the hero (or heroine), most closely allied with a semi-conscious function called the anima (or animus). An auxiliary function (the good parent) may be counteracted by a shadowy Witch/Senex function, and a child-like tertiary function by a more juvenile Trickster. The Anima may find itself forced to compete with a demonic personality function which threatens to destroy it.


*"Psychiatric Treatment: Crisis, Clinic and Consultation", with C. Peter Rosenbaum (1975) ISBN 0-07-053710-0
*"Money, Food, Drink, Fashion, and Analytic Training" (the proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Analytical Psychology), editor (1983) ISBN 3-87089-304-4
*"Aspects of the Masculine", a collection of Jung's essays, editor with a critical introduction (1989) ISBN 0-691-01884-7
*"Integrity in Depth" (1992) ISBN 0-89096-493-9
*"Pathways to Integrity: Ethics and Psychological Type", with Blake Wiley Burleson (2001) ISBN 0-935652-64-7
*"Terror, Violence and the Impulse to Destroy" (a collection of papers from the North American Conference of Jungian Analysts and Candidates, San Francisco, September, 2002), editor (2003) ISBN 3-85630-628-5

Publications on Psychological Types

*"Psychopathology and Analysis." Book chapter, originally written with senior co-author Donald Sandner, for Murray Stein, (ed.), "Jungian Analysis" (Open Court: La Salle, llinois, 1982). The typological section of this paper, "The Role of Psychological Type in Possession," was expanded for the second edition of "Jungian Analysis" (Open Court, 1995, pp.322-330). [ online version]
*"Psychological types in transference, countertransference, and the therapeutic interaction." "Chiron", 1984, pp. 147-161.
*"Comment on Soren Ekstroms paper 'Jungs Typology and DSM-III Personality Disorder.'" "Journal of Analytical Psychology", 33:4, 1988, pp. 345-350.
*"A New Model of Psychological Types." (recorded workshop, Evanston, IL, April 9-10, 1988).
*"Response to Charles Sidess 'Psychological types and teaching writing.'" "Writing on the Edge", 1:2, Spring 1990, pp. 41-43.
*"Identifying the American shadow: typological reflections on the Los Angeles riots." "Psychological Perspectives", 27, 1992, pp. 135-139.
*"The Wizard of Oz: A vision of development in the American political psyche." Book chapter in Thomas Singer (ed.), "The Vision Thing: Myth, Politics and Psyche in the World" (New York: Routledge, 2000, pp. 62-83).
*"An Archetypal Model of the Self in Dialogue." "Theory & Psychology", Vol. 12, No. 2, 267-280 (2002) [ online version] (includes an analysis of Woody AllensHusbands and Wives”).
*"Can there be a science of the symbolic?" "Journal of Analytical Psychology", 49:2, 2004, pp. 133-184.
*"Understanding consciousness through the theory of psychological types." Book chapter in "Analytical Psychology", Joseph Cambray and Linda Carter (eds). (London and New York: Brunner-Routledge, 2004, pp. 83 -115).
*"Evolving the eight-function model." "Australian Psychological Type Review", Vol. 8, No. 1, March 2006. [ online version]

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