- Robert Marshak
Robert Eugene Marshak (
October 11 ,1916 –December 23 ,1992 ) was an Americanphysicist dedicated to learning, research, and education. Marshak was born in theBronx ,New York City . His parents, Harry Marshak and Rose Marshak, were immigrants to New York fromMinsk . He was educated atColumbia University .Marshak received his PhD from
Cornell University in 1939. Along with his thesis advisor,Hans Bethe , he discovered many of the fusion aspects involved in star formation. This helped him on his work for theManhattan Project , inLos Alamos , duringWorld War II .In 1957, he and
George Sudarshan proposed a V-A ("vector" minus "axial vector")Lagrangian for weak interactions, which was later independently discovered byRichard Feynman andMurray Gell-Mann . His biography below, is explicit about it "Perhaps Marshak's most significant scientific contribution was the proposal of the V-A Theory of Weak Interactions (the fourth force in nature) in collaboration with his student George Sudarshan. Unfortunately, the pair published the theory only in a conference proceedings for a meeting in Italy. Six months later, a different derivation of the same concept was published by Feynman and Gell-Mann in a mainstream scientific journal. Marshak had talked with Feynman about the general problem in California some time before. Though the V-A Concept was considered to be one of the most important contributions to theoretical physics, a Nobel Prize was never awarded for it." Sudarshan himself later commented in a TV interview in 2006 that Murray Gell-Mann got the idea from him, in an informal coffee time!He was the President of the
City College of New York from 1970-1979.Marshak died by accidental drowning in
Cancún ,Mexico in 1992.External links
* [http://spec.lib.vt.edu/marshk/bio.htm Biography] at the Virginia Tech Digital Library and Archives (accessed 5 November 2007).
* [http://books.nap.edu/html/biomems/rmarshak.html Biographical Memoir] at the National Academy of Scientists (accessed 5 November 2007).
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