Big Convoy

Big Convoy

Big Convoy is the name of a Maximal in the fictional Transformers universes.

Beast Wars Neo

Transformers character
name =Big Convoy

caption =Big Convoy toy
affiliation =Maximal
subgroup =Convoys
Ultra Beasts
rank =10
function =Maximal Supreme Commander
partner =
motto ="I am a one-man army!"
alternatemodes =Woolly Mammoth
Gun Emplacement
series =Beast Wars Neo
voiceby =Junichi Inoue (Japanese)
Big Convoy is a Maximal commander who turns into a woolly mammoth and has an additional attack mode. He prefers to fight alone instead having troops under his command. He is old friends with the Maximal Rockbuster and at one time in the past his second in command was the Maximal Survive. []

Big Convoy can fly at mach 7 in robot mode. His weapons include his "Big Cannon", "Mammoth Tonfa" and a "Mammoth Dynamite" attack.

Animated series

In the Japanese television series "Beast Wars Neo", Big Convoy (also known as the "One Man's Army") is the leader of a squad of Maximals. Big Convoy was selected by the Convoy Council to become the new leader of a group of rookie Maximals. Originally he resented the idea of being a leader because of his reputation of being a loner; however, Vector Sigma gave him the order and he could not refuse. He then began training the rookies.

While Big Convoy was a great warrior, as a leader he did not have the compassion and wisdom of his predecessors, such as Optimus Prime, Optimus Primal and Lio Convoy. Over the course of the series Big Convoy becomes more leader-like due to the influence of the Matrix, and begins quoting wise proverbs and giving uncharacteristic advice to his teammates at the end of battles.

Originally dispatched to discover the fate of Lio Convoy (stranded in a wormhole at the end of Beast Wars 2), Convoy was followed by Magmatron, a Predacon general with whom Convoy had a rivalry; however, the two also had a warrior's respect for each other. When Convoy learned of the existence of the Angolmois energy the two forces battled frequently to obtain the precious capsules.

Events took a turn for the worse after the two sides obtained all the energy capsules. They were subsequently attacked by the Blendtrons, an immensely powerful trio of Transformers. Even a temporary alliance of the Maximals and Predacons was not enough to stop them and the three stole all the capsules. It was at this point the true nature of Angolmois energy was revealed - it was the lifeforce of Unicron himself, released after his defeat in . Using the corpse of Magmatron's predecessor Galvatron as a vessel, the Chaos-Bringer was resurrected, and began to journey towards Cybertron. Racing to stop him, the Maximals were trapped when Unicron marooned them inside a wormhole - where they met Convoy's predecessor Lio Convoy. Convoy explained Unicron's nature and helped them escape. By the time they reached Cybertron Unicron had already demolished the planet's defenses and taken over Vector Sigma, intending to make Cybertron his new body. Luring Unicron into battle, the Maximals, aided, surprisingly, by the escaped Lio Convoy, Magmatron and his Predacons, managed to delay Unicron long enough for Convoy to use the power of the Matrix to charge his weapon into the Matrix Buster. The cannon blasted Unicron, seemingly destroying him for good. With the threat of Unicron eliminated Big Convoy joined with Magmatron to usher in a new era of peace of Cybertron.


In the Beast Wars Neo Manga Big Convoy was evolved into a Maximal by Lio Convoy by using his Matrix on an actual woolly mammoth.

Dreamwave Productions

Big Convoy would make an unusual appearance in Dreamwave's Transformers: Armada series. With Optimus Prime having disappeared to an alternate dimension devastated by Unicron, the Autobots attempted to find their leader. As Jetfire attempted to locate him through Spacebridge links to other dimensions, one of these clearly shows Big Convoy.

IDW Publishing

Big Convoy also made an appearance in IDW Publishing's "Beast Wars: The Gathering" miniseries in flashback, shown to sit on the Bi-Partate Committee for State Affairs alongside Magmatron. He seemed to have a Cybertronian alternate mode, not an organic one (something confirmed in "The Ascending", when it was shown to be a cannon platform).

In the follow-up series "The Ascending" he made his first full comics appearance investigating the effects of Angolmois energy upon Maximal and Predacon alike. His investigations lead him to discovering the evil Shokaract's plans to use the energy to become a god and reshape Cybertron in his image. He was killed by Shokaract in one version of the timeline, but was saved in the "new" version when Lio Convoy, Ravage and their troops returned from Earth. Together, they were able to stop Shokaract.


*Beast Wars Neo Big Convoy:The toy of Big Convoy is 18cm tall in robot mode. The show notes state he stands 3.2m tall, so the toy is about 1/18 scale. The toy came with a Matrix in his chest which can be removed. :The toy of Big Convoy was redecoed into the Decepticon Nemesis Prime in the line as a Target store exclusive.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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