Timeline of the National Hockey League

Timeline of the National Hockey League

The following is a timeline describing the history of the National Hockey League's teams and their franchise histories. Non-NHL franchise histories are also included here. This timeline starts with the first team created, the Montreal Canadiens and it ends with the most recent one, the Columbus Blue Jackets. Grey portions in the timeline denote periods where a team was inactive for the season.

The period between the two grey bars denotes the "Original Six" era.

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# -- Team Colors ------------------- Team -------------------- Colors Used (Decimal RGB) id:ANA value:rgb(0.32,0.20,0.30) # Anaheim Mighty Ducks 88, 52, 77 id:ANA2 value:rgb(0.14,0.12,0.13) # Anaheim Ducks 35, 31, 32 id:ATLF value:rgb(0.80,0.01,0.07) # Atlanta Flames 203, 2, 17 id:ATL value:rgb(0.20,0.60,0.80) # Atlanta Thrashers 51, 153, 204 id:BOS value:rgb(0.99,0.72,0.15) # Boston Bruins 235, 184, 39 id:BRO value:rgb(0.63,0.13,0.18) # Brooklyn Americans 160, 34, 46 id:BUF value:rgb(0.14,0.12,0.24) # Buffalo Sabres 35, 31, 62 id:CGY value:rgb(0.80,0.01,0.07) # Calgary Flames 203, 2, 17 id:CALG value:rgb(0, 0.53,0.49) # California Golden Seals 0, 135, 125 id:CAL value:rgb(0, 0.13,0.30) # California Seals 0, 33, 77 id:CAR value:rgb(0.88,0.23,0.24) # Carolina Hurricanes 225, 58, 62 id:CHI value:rgb(0.89,0.22,0.24) # Chicago Blackhawks 226, 55, 62 id:CLE value:rgb(0.80,0.01,0.07) # Cleveland Barons 203, 2, 17 id:COL value:rgb(0.55,0.22,0.26) # Colorado Avalanche 139, 41, 66 id:COLR value:rgb(0, 0.39,0.65) # Colorado Rockies 0, 99, 166 id:CLB value:rgb(0, 0.16,0.36) # Columbus Blue Jackets 0, 40, 93 id:DAL value:rgb(0, 0.35,0.22) # Dallas Stars 0, 88, 55 id:DETC value:rgb(0.90,0.05,0.18) # Detroit Cougars 230, 13, 46 id:DETF value:rgb(0.93,0.81,0.24) # Detroit Falcons 237, 207, 61 id:DET value:rgb(0.90,0.05,0.18) # Detroit Red Wings 230, 13, 46 id:EDM value:rgb(0, 0.16,0.36) # Edmonton Oilers 0, 40, 93 id:FLA value:rgb(0, 0.16,0.36) # Florida Panthers 0, 40, 93 id:HAM value:rgb(0.91,0.64,0.27) # Hamilton Tigers 231, 163, 70 id:HFD value:rgb(0.03,0.09,0.35) # Hartford Whalers 8, 24, 90 id:KC value:rgb(0.80,0.01,0.07) # Kansas City Scouts 203, 2, 17 id:LA value:rgb(0.14,0.20,0.54) # Los Angeles Kings 35, 50, 137 id:MINN value:rgb(0, 0.51,0.28) # Minnesota North Stars 0, 31, 72 id:MIN value:rgb(0, 0.35,0.22) # Minnesota Wild 0, 88, 55 id:MTL value:rgb(0.75,0.18,0.22) # Montreal Canadiens 191, 47, 56 id:MTLM value:rgb(0.53,0.21,0.29) # Montreal Maroons 135, 53, 74 id:MTLW value:rgb(0.81,0.11,0.14) # Montreal Wanderers 206, 28, 35 id:NSH value:rgb(0, 0.16,0.36) # Nashville Predators 0, 40, 93 id:NJ value:rgb(0.88,0.23,0.24) # New Jersey Devils 225, 58, 62 id:NYA value:rgb(0.88,0.23,0.24) # New York Americans 225, 58, 62 id:NYI value:rgb(0, 0.16,0.36) # New York Islanders 0, 40, 93 id:NYR value:rgb(0, 0.38,0.66) # New York Rangers 0, 96, 169 id:OAK value:rgb(0, 0.59,0.29) # Oakland Seals 0, 130, 74 id:OTT value:rgb(0.88,0.23,0.24) # Ottawa Senators (1993-) 225, 58, 62 id:OTT1 value:rgb(0.56,0.20,0.18) # Ottawa Senators (1917-34) 142, 50, 47 id:PIT value:rgb(0.80,0.72,0.49) # Pittsburgh Penguins 205, 184, 124 id:PITP value:rgb(0.99,0.72,0.20) # Pittsburgh Pirates 252, 184, 50 id:PHI value:rgb(0.96,0.47,0.24) # Philadelphia Flyers 244, 121, 62 id:PHIQ value:rgb(1 ,0.39,0 ) # Philadelphia Quakers 255, 99, 0 id:PHX value:rgb(0.56,0, 0.16) # Phoenix Coyotes 144, 0, 40 id:QUEB value:rgb(0.04,0.32,0.52) # Quebec Bulldogs 10, 82, 133 id:QUE value:rgb(0.20,0.60,0.80) # Quebec Nordiques 51, 153, 204 id:SJ value:rgb(0, 0.42,0.52) # San Jose Sharks 0, 108, 133 id:STL value:rgb(0, 0.32,0.61) # St. Louis Blues 0, 82, 155 id:STLE value:rgb(0.70,0.04,0.03) # St. Louis Eagles 178, 9, 7 id:TB value:rgb(0.14,0.12,0.13) # Tampa Bay Lightning 35, 31, 32 id:TORA value:rgb(0.20,0.29,0.52) # Toronto Arenas 52, 74, 132 id:TOR value:rgb(0, 0.22,0.46) # Toronto Maple Leafs 0, 56, 118 id:TORS value:rgb(0, 0.41,0.25) # Toronto St. Patricks 0, 105, 63 id:VAN value:rgb(0.02,0.05,0.23) # Vancouver Canucks 4, 12, 58 id:WSH value:rgb(0.81,0.11,0.14) # Washington Capitals 206, 28, 35 id:WSHB value:rgb(0.14,0.12,0.13) # Washington Capitals Black 35, 31, 32 id:WPG value:rgb(0, 0.24,0.49) # Winnipeg Jets 0, 62, 126

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BarData = bar:MTL # Montreal Canadiens bar:MTLW # Montreal Wanderers bar:TOR # Toronto Arenas / Toronto St. Patricks / Toronto Maple Leafs bar:OTT1 # Ottawa Senators / St. Louis Eagles bar:NYA # Quebec Bulldogs / Hamilton Tigers / New York Americans / Brooklyn Americans bar:BOS # Boston Bruins bar:MTLM # Montreal Maroons bar:PITP # Pittsburgh Pirates / Philadelphia Quakers bar:CHI # Chicago Blackhawks bar:DET # Detroit Cougars / Detroit Falcons / Detroit Red Wings bar:NYR # New York Rangers bar:STL # St. Louis Blues bar:LA # Los Angeles Kings bar:PIT # Pittsburgh Penguins bar:PHI # Philadelphia Flyers bar:DAL # Minnesota North Stars / Dallas Stars bar:OAK # Oakland Seals / California Golden Seals / California Seals / Cleveland Barons bar:BUF # Buffalo Sabres bar:VAN # Vancouver Canucks bar:NYI # New York Islanders bar:CGY # Atlanta Flames / Calgary Flames bar:NJ # Kansas City Scouts / Colorado Rockies / New Jersey Devils bar:WSH # Washington Capitals bar:EDM # Edmonton Oilers bar:CAR # Hartford Whalers / Carolina Hurricanes bar:COL # Quebec Nordiques / Colorado Avalanche bar:PHX # Winnipeg Jets / Phoenix Coyotes bar:SJ # San Jose Sharks bar:OTT # Ottawa Senators bar:TB # Tampa Bay Lightning bar:ANA # Anaheim Mighty Ducks bar:FLA # Florida Panthers bar:NSH # Nashville Predators bar:ATL # Atlanta Thrashers bar:MIN # Minnesota Wild bar:CLB # Columbus Blue Jackets

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# --- Modern era expansions --- bar:BUF from:1970 till:end text:"Buffalo Sabres" textcolor:gold bar:BUF from:1970 till:2004 color:BUF link:/wiki/Buffalo_Sabres bar:BUF from:2005 till:end color:BUF link:/wiki/Buffalo_Sabres

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# --- The WHA Four --- bar:EDM at:1972 text:"Alberta Oilers (WHA)" $Left bar:EDM from:1973 till:1979 text:"Edmonton~(WHA)" $Up bar:EDM from:1979 till:end text:"Edmonton Oilers" textcolor:vegasgold bar:EDM from:1972 till:1973 color:nl1 link:/wiki/Alberta_Oilers bar:EDM from:1973 till:1979 color:nl1 link:/wiki/Edmonton_Oilers bar:EDM from:1979 till:2004 color:EDM link:/wiki/Edmonton_Oilers bar:EDM from:2005 till:end color:EDM link:/wiki/Edmonton_Oilers

bar:CAR at:1979 text:"New England~Whalers (WHA)" $UpLeft bar:CAR from:1979 till:1997 text:"Hartford Whalers" textcolor:green bar:CAR from:1997 till:end text:"Carolina~Hurricanes" textcolor:white $Up bar:CAR from:1972 till:1979 color:nl1 link:/wiki/New_England_Whalers bar:CAR from:1979 till:1997 color:HFD link:/wiki/Hartford_Whalers bar:CAR from:1997 till:2004 color:CAR link:/wiki/Carolina_Hurricanes bar:CAR from:2005 till:end color:CAR link:/wiki/Carolina_Hurricanes

bar:COL at:1979 text:"Quebec~Nordiques (WHA)" $UpLeft bar:COL from:1979 till:1995 text:"Quebec Nordiques" bar:COL from:1995 till:end text:"Colorado~Avalanche" $Up bar:COL from:1972 till:1979 color:nl1 link:/wiki/Quebec_Nordiques bar:COL from:1979 till:1995 color:QUE link:/wiki/Quebec_Nordiques bar:COL from:1995 till:2004 color:COL link:/wiki/Colorado_Avalanche bar:COL from:2005 till:end color:COL link:/wiki/Colorado_Avalanche

bar:PHX at:1979 text:"Winnipeg~Jets (WHA)" $UpLeft bar:PHX from:1979 till:1996 text:"Winnipeg Jets" textcolor:red bar:PHX from:1996 till:end text:"Phoenix~Coyotes" $Up bar:PHX from:1972 till:1979 color:nl1 link:/wiki/Winnipeg_Jets bar:PHX from:1979 till:1996 color:WPG link:/wiki/Winnipeg_Jets bar:PHX from:1996 till:2004 color:PHX link:/wiki/Phoenix_Coyotes bar:PHX from:2005 till:end color:PHX link:/wiki/Phoenix_Coyotes

# --- Early 90s expansion --- bar:SJ from:1991 till:end text:"San Jose Sharks" bar:SJ from:1991 till:2004 color:SJ link:/wiki/San_Jose_Sharks bar:SJ from:2005 till:end color:SJ link:/wiki/San_Jose_Sharks

bar:OTT from:1992 till:end text:"Ottawa Senators" bar:OTT from:1992 till:2004 color:OTT link:/wiki/Ottawa_Senators bar:OTT from:2005 till:end color:OTT link:/wiki/Ottawa_Senators

bar:TB from:1992 till:end text:"Tampa Bay Lightning" textcolor: white bar:TB from:1992 till:2004 color:TB link:/wiki/Tampa_Bay_Lightning bar:TB from:2005 till:end color:TB link:/wiki/Tampa_Bay_Lightning

bar:ANA from:1993 till:2005 text:"Mighty Ducks~of Anaheim" textcolor:white $Up bar:ANA at:2006 text:"Anaheim~Ducks" textcolor:vegasgold $UpRight bar:ANA from:1993 till:2004 color:ANA link:/wiki/Anaheim_Mighty_Ducks bar:ANA from:2005 till:2006 color:ANA link:/wiki/Anaheim_Mighty_Ducks bar:ANA from:2006 till:end color:ANA2 link:/wiki/Anaheim_Ducks

bar:FLA from:1993 till:end text:"Florida Panthers" textcolor:gold bar:FLA from:1993 till:2004 color:FLA link:/wiki/Florida_Panthers bar:FLA from:2005 till:end color:FLA link:/wiki/Florida_Panthers

# --- Late 90s expansion --- bar:NSH from:1998 till:end text:"Nashville~Predators" textcolor:gold $Up bar:NSH from:1998 till:2004 color:NSH link:/wiki/Nashville_Predators bar:NSH from:2005 till:end color:NSH link:/wiki/Nashville_Predators

bar:ATL from:1999 till:end text:"Atlanta~Thrashers" textcolor:gold $Up bar:ATL from:1999 till:2004 color:ATL link:/wiki/Atlanta_Thrashers bar:ATL from:2005 till:end color:ATL link:/wiki/Atlanta_Thrashers

bar:MIN from:2000 till:end text:"Minnesota~Wild" $Up bar:MIN from:2000 till:2004 color:MIN link:/wiki/Minnesota_Wild bar:MIN from:2005 till:end color:MIN link:/wiki/Minnesota_Wild

bar:CLB from:2000 till:end text:"Columbus~Blue Jackets" textcolor:red $Up bar:CLB from:2000 till:2004 color:CLB link:/wiki/Columbus_Blue_Jackets bar:CLB from:2005 till:end color:CLB link:/wiki/Columbus_Blue_Jackets


*Some of the first teams were active before the creation of the "NHL"

External links

* [http://www.detroithockey.net/nhl/timeline.php DetroitHockey.Net NHL Timeline]


# Team disbanded mid-season
# Team inactive 191819
# Team inactive 193132
# Team merged with Minnesota North StarsAll teams were inactive 200405

See also

* History of the National Hockey League

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