

PROTEOMYXA, a name given by E. Ray Lankester to a group of Protozoa Sarcodina. This is an obsolete group.

Many of the species are endoparasites in living cells, mostly of Algae or Fungi, but not exclusively. At least two species of Pseudospora have been taken for reproductive stages in the life history of their hostswhence indeed the generic name. Plasmodiophora brassicae gives rise to the disease known as Hanburies or fingers and toes in Cruciferae; Lymphosporidium causes a virulent epidemic among the American brook-trout, Salvelinus fontinalis. A rcherina boltoni is remarkable for containing a pair of chlorophyll corpuscles in each cell; no nucleus has been made out, but the chlorophyll bodies divide previous to fission. It is a fresh-water form. The cells of this species form loose aggregates or filoplasmodia, like those of Mikrogromia or Leydenia.

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