John Bull

John Bull

World War I recruiting poster]
Entente cordiale: John Bull stalking off with Marianne, turning his back on Germany.] John Bull is a national personification of the United Kingdom in general and England in particular, originating in the creation of Dr. John Arbuthnot in 1712, and popularised first by British print makers and then overseas by illustrators and writers such as American cartoonist Thomas Nast and Irish writer George Bernard Shaw, author of "John Bull's Other Island". He is sometimes used to refer to the whole of the United Kingdom, but has not been widely accepted in Scotland or Wales because he is viewed there as English rather than British. Britannia, or a lion, is therefore used as an alternative in some editorial cartoons. Although embraced by Unionists, Bull is rejected by most nationalists in Northern Ireland as well.

As a literary figure, John Bull is well-intentioned, frustrated, full of common sense, and entirely of native country stock. Unlike Uncle Sam later, he is not a figure of authority but rather a yeoman who prefers his small beer and domestic peace, possessed of neither patriarchal power nor heroic defiance. Arbuthnot provided him with a sister named Peg (Scotland), and a traditional adversary in Louis Baboon (the House of Bourbon [] in France). Peg continued in pictorial art beyond the 18th century, but the other figures associated with the original tableau dropped away.

Bull is usually portrayed as a stout, portly man in a tailcoat with light coloured breeches and a top hat which by its shallow crown indicates its middle class identity. During the Georgian period his waistcoat is red and/or his tailcoat is royal blue which, together with his buff or white britches, can thus refer to a greater or lesser extent to the 'blue and buff' scheme used by supporters of Whig politics which is part of what John Arbuthnot wished to deride when he invented the character. By the twentieth century however his waistcoat nearly always depicts a Union Flag, and his coat is generally dark blue but otherwise still echoing the fashions of the Regency period). He also wears a low topper (sometimes called a John Bull topper) on his head and is often accompanied by a bulldog. John Bull has been used in a variety of different ad campaigns over the years, and is a common sight in British editorial cartoons of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Washington Irving described him in his chapter entitled "John Bull" from "The Sketch Book":

*"... [A] plain, downright, matter-of-fact fellow, with much less of poetry about him than rich prose. There is little of romance in his nature, but a vast deal of a strong natural feeling. He excels in humour more than in wit; is jolly rather than gay; melancholy rather than morose; can easily be moved to a sudden tear or surprised into a broad laugh; but he loathes sentiment and has no turn for light pleasantry. He is a boon companion, if you allow him to have his humour and to talk about himself; and he will stand by a friend in a quarrel with life and purse, however soundly he may be cudgelled."

The cartoon image of stolid stocky conservative and well-meaning John Bull, dressed like an English country squire, sometimes explicitly contrasted with the conventionalised scrawny, French revolutionary "sans-culottes" Jacobin, was developed from about 1790 by British satirical artists James Gillray, Thomas Rowlandson and George Cruikshank. (An earlier national personification was Sir Roger de Coverley, from "The Spectator (1711)".)

In 1966, The Times, criticising the Unionist government of Northern Ireland, famously branded the province "John Bull's Political Slum".

In a suffragette cartoon of 1912, John Bull is portrayed looking out of the window of a house over whose door the sign says "Franchise Villa", while his wife knocks on the door, with the accompanying text: John Bull: "How long are you going on making that noise outside?" Mrs Bull: "Till you let me in, John!" []

Increasingly through the early twentieth century, John Bull became seen as not particularly representative of 'the common man', and during the First World War this function was largely taken over by the figure of Tommy Atkins. []

John Bull's surname is also reminiscent of the alleged fondness of the English for beef, reflected in the French nickname for English people, "les rosbifs" (the "Roast Beefs").

ee also

*National personification
*Symbols of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
*British Isles (Terminology)
*"John Bull's Other Island"
*Uncle Sam
*Mother Svea

External references

* [ The British Library newspaper catalogue]
* Miles Taylor, ‘Bull, John (supp. fl. 1712–)’, "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography" (Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, 2006) []


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  • John Bull — John Bullish. John Bullishness. John Bullism. 1. England; the English people. 2. the typical Englishman. [1705 15; named after John Bull, chief character in Arbuthnot s allegory The History of John Bull (1712)] * * * ▪ English symbol       in… …   Universalium

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  • John Bull — Bull Bull, n. [OE. bule, bul, bole; akin to D. bul, G. bulle, Icel. boli, Lith. bullus, Lett. bollis, Russ. vol ; prob. fr. the root of AS. bellan, E. bellow.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) The male of any species of cattle ({Bovid[ae]}); hence, the male of any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • John Bull —   [ dʒɔn bʊl; englisch »Hans Stier«], Spitzname des englischen Volkes oder des typischen Engländers, ursprünglich die Verkörperung der Nation in einer Pamphletsammlung von J. Arbuthnot (1712, 1727 unter dem Titel »The history of John Bull«… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • John Bull — John′ Bull′ n. 1) England; the English people 2) the typical Englishman • Etymology: 1705–15; after John Bull, chief character in Arbuthnot s allegory The History of John Bull (1712) John′ Bull′ish, adj …   From formal English to slang

  • John Bull — John John (j[o^]n), n. [See {Johannes}.] A proper name of a man. [1913 Webster] {John apple}, a sort of apple ripe about St. John s Day. Same as {Apple john}. {John Bull}, an ideal personification of the typical characteristics of an Englishman,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • John Bull — ► NOUN ▪ a personification of England or the typical Englishman. ORIGIN from a character in John Arbuthnot s satire Law is a Bottomless Pit; or, the History of John Bull (1712) …   English terms dictionary

  • John Bull — n. [title character in John Arbuthnot s History of John Bull (1712)] personification of England or an Englishman …   English World dictionary

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  • John Bull — 1 n. p. m. Expresión inglesa con que se designa al hombre corriente. 2 Se emplea para designar a *Inglaterra o al pueblo inglés. * * * VER Bull, John …   Enciclopedia Universal

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